I swear this is the gist of this story:
I don’t mean to put down a monkey’s intelligence, but isn’t this a bit like those signs you hear about telling cows to “Cross Here” and the like? Is a monkey going to be offended by this tape? Is a monkey going to understand this tape?
Before you sickies out there chime in I just want to say that we probably have this guy all wrong… he was probably just *disciplining * Darwin and it was just misconstrued as something else. Sometimes, you just have to sp–
garroted by the Committee to Prevent the Obvious Joke
He couldn’t get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a bag of bananas.
Even though I doubt the monkey was “offended” by the tape :), it sounds like it is essentially a confession to bestiality, which makes me wonder why they gave the monkey back to him. I would think that bestiality is illegal in Texas…isn’t it?
From the article, it seems safe to assume the dude is mentally ill and probably has delusions about the monkey being capable of understanding him on the same level as another person would. I find that pretty creepy, but maybe it’s really not all that different than those people out there (that we’ve all met) who treat their cats and dogs as if they were human children. shrug