Man Up. Did anybody else see the pilot last night?

I just about fell out laughing. This is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen on the regular networks. The writing, the delivery…wow! I think this is the kind of show where you either love it or hate it, but it sure tickled my funnybone. Almost campy…the black guy did the best “smarm” I’ve seen in awhile. That’s the only place where I think they pulled punches, tho. When the woman was describing him she said he was “Tall and handsome.” She should have added “dark.” That’s the way the saying goes and it would have been even funnier because he was black. But I could almost see the red mark striking thru it as somebody declared “That might get us in trouble.” Other than that, tho, I’m still laughing as I remember some of the lines. Anybody else that taken with it?

Is this the one with Tim Allen?

No, that was on right before it. (It was pretty good, too, BTW)

Saw it. Didn’t hit my funny bone at all. I cringed a lot. Another “men are so stupid when they worry about being manly” comedy, staring three guys who are anything but manly. Will the the black guy return? He was kind of funny in the sharp contrast between his obvious manliness and three doofuses. He was the only character who wasn’t unpleasent.

Was that Booger (from Revenge of the Nerds)? Or did someone clone booger?

I must be a 12 year old boy. I think this show is really funny.
Is there an I.Q. test for sense of humor?

You think so? I thought this was one of those shows falling between “meh” and “Seen it a thousand times before”.

Henry Simmons was decent as a sort of recreation of the guy from those Old Spice commercials, but that’s about it.