Maniac on the loose (part deux)..A game

Simple Dreamer we need that towel. I, uhhhh, need it to do something I saw on CSI. It will bring out some clues. I swear.

The possible murders are;
[li]Jaade[/li][li]Kat[/li][li]gyt_fx[/li][li]NoClueBoy[/li][li]Scubaboy[/li][li]Mullinator[/li][li]Zebra[/li][li]Simple Dreamer[/li][li]mlerose[/li][li]Jimmy Chitwood[/li][li]Idiot Boy[/li][li]Age Quod Agis[/li][li]Maureen[/li][/list=1]

Ok, it is not Jimmy Chitwood. He is dead.

It is not me.

Jaade has been accused.l

I’ll accuse NoClueBoy as he has a cord on him.

(Unless I’m lying.)
Having been accused and still seething from my phone call, I storm out of the room and find my way to the liquor cabinet in the first floor study. The cabinet is locked, but my pocketknife takes care of that.

I find a nice Irish whiskey (I know, but yes, really) and some heavy crystal glasses. Quickly, I pour a large drink and down, then I pour another to play with as I think things through.

Closing the liquor cabinet door, I see the reflection of the beuatiful Jaade standing in the doorway.

“You upset, Cluey?” she asks, with a small sneer in her voice.

Having been shamed by my wrong guess I go to the Armory and view the collection of crossbows.

After having gone upstairs and getting dressed I go to the great room and light a fire in the fireplace.

To work off my fear, I decide to go to the basement and work out on the bench press in a vain attempt to shame the killer into confessing at the sight of my glistening, pulsating pecs.

Scuba Ben, darling…however could you…

But no, you were wrong. I didn’t not commit this crime.

~Immediately her tone softens as she sees the tumbler shake in his hand. A calculated move? Or perhaps he’s nervous about being found out. She walks up behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder.~

“I’ve been told you have a phone cord in your pocket…I’m sure you wouldn’t mind us taking a peek at it? Not that it’s evidence or anything, right?”

Just as I’m about to answer, a cacophany of sound accosts our ears. It’s a very bad recording of Games People Play by the Spinners, but at full blast on poor quality speakers.

It seems to be coming from right outside…

So Jaade is this

part of the ‘clues’?

A flush is heard, and Age Quod Agis enters the basement, trailing a strand of toilet paper from one shoe, tucking his shirt into his pants, and announcing to whoever happened to be in the room, “Man, you guys wouldn’t believe who just rocked his girlfriend’s world! She’s all like, ‘Awww, baby, you’re the best ever,’ and I’m all like, ‘That’s right, I know how to please my woman’ and --”

At that moment, AQA emerges from his bubble of self-delusion to notice what everyone else is staring at – Jimmy Chitwood’s lifeless body, tongue sticking out like a turkey timer. AQA emits a high-pitched scream eerily reminscent of an 8-year-old girl and starts to sprint out of the room, but accidentally runs into IdiotBoy and nearly knocks himself unconscious.

He gets to his feet unsteadily. “Wuh-wuh-wuh, what happened here? Is he all right?”

ScubaBoy sneers at AQA, “Yes, genius, he’s fine. Except he seems to be having some trouble breathing . . . but that’s probably because he’s dead.”

“Well, I think I know who did it,” says AQA. Everyone gasps. “Maybe it was the person who said this:”

“That’s right! I accuse Jaade! Her double negative is actually a positive. Jaade just admitted that she committed this crime!”

“Uh, no, Braniac,” says Kat. “Someone already accused her and she said that person was wrong.”

“All-righty. Well, I think we should split up. If we’re each alone in darkened rooms, we’ll probably be much more safe.” AQA exits and walks into the attached greenhouse. Creeping vines stretch overhead, casting shadows throughout the already darkened and musty greenhouse. Despite the lack of wind, plant leaves rustle against each other.

AQA finds a plant with odd, 5-pointed leaves. He scratches his head and tries to figure out where he’s seen such plants before.

OOC: Who’s “ScubaBoy”? I think you mean NoClueBoy. Can’t be me, because I’m not in the basement. I don’t even know that there’s been a murder (unless I did it).

S.D. Muffled eerie music is heard. It fills the basement as if the music was trying to escape from somewhere highly unpleasant.

Sorry. My stupid brain don’t always pick up on things. Let’s just assume that I meant mlerose, and it was a very, very bad typo.

AQA hears a noise behind him and looks back, but sees only leaves dancing in the darkness, causing shadows to slice across the walls and floor. “Hello?” he calls out. No answer. He mutters to himself and walks deeper into the brush toward where the noise was coming from.

“I believe there is safety in numbers! We should all stick together!” I exclaim, and I run to the kitchen to find some sticky jam.

I think you should change your name to Scubaboy. It makes you sound like some sort of super hero sidkick.
But does the name mix-up make you angry? Angry enough to kill?

[lightning strikes; everyone looks accusingly at Scuba Ben/Boy; violens scream in the background . . . or maybe that’s a very poorly played oboe] AQA asks in a fake German accent, “And vich personality are vee speaking vith now? zee Scuba Ben or zee ScubaBoy?”

Johnny Bravo saunters into the room, shoving a small digital camera into his coat. He takes a look at the body and, completely unfazed, heads to the bar for a drink.

Perhaps he’s trying to hide something? More likely, working for Fox has sucked out his soul.

Or perhaps Johnny Bravo is suffering from some sort of hysteria after seeing Age Quod Agis’s unclothed body.

. . . But how far will such madness drive a man? [cue lightning]

Peritrochoid (decidedly disappointed that Chitwood had the audacity to die while he was … ehh … helping Maureen put things away in the panty … err … pantry) decides to join the now-tanked NoClueBoy in an Irish Whiskey drinking contest.
“Damn, Cluey, you reek! Oh, and just what is that cord-like thingy hanging out your pants leg. I’m sure you’re not just happy to see me. Oh hell, who cares. Break out the Jameson!”

No! We must cover more ground! Let’s split up!

Says Blackeyes, who was really here all along… just late.

Late to arrive to the party, that is. Fashionably late. Which was to be expected of him, for he isn’t often on time. Tonight was no exception. Of course. Why would it be?