I think it is one of those Okie things… You know, tornado sirens go off, everyone goes outside to look, sort of thing.
Hey, if you have to live with the stuff, why not enjoy it?
Hi y’all, Norman here. Those storms were great last night, weren’t they? My cats sat out on the screened porch and watched the show, howling everytime it thundered. Crazy cats.
I have to say…there are some definite downsides to living in Oklahoma (I’ve been here all my life), and I wouldn’t mind trying out someplace else for awhile, but one thing I would really miss is a good Oklahoma thunderstorm in the springtime. There’s just something in the air that makes you feel alive. Can’t beat it.
(My family likes to barbeque while the sirens are going off.)
[mini-rant] Although I wish the weather guys on the local news would give it a rest. Yes, guys…we know you have all these neat toys that show you where every raindrop is falling and where it will be falling in the next two minutes, but please! We’re Okies! We know what to do when it rains! Please don’t interrupt my Law & Order for thirty minutes to tell me it’s raining. I do have a window! Unless a tornado is about to drop directly on my house, I’d rather just watch my show. Thanks. [/mini-rant]
Mike morgan is the worst on this. I think Channel 4 is tired of being behind Gary England in respect and watch-a-bility, so they force us to see these geek any time the wind blows and hope we learn to love him by default.
I’ve noticed Channel 9 running a split screen or just a line of type and interupting comercials instead of shows. Pretty cool, for the most part.
Hope nothing bad happens (like May 3rd), but looking forward to more storms.
Wasn’t it the weirdest thing too? Just some squall in Stillwater one minute, next minute (literally) all hell breaks loose. Granted, it’s par for the course here…
And I don’t mind the storms myself, if it wasn’t for this computer I am nervous about protecting upon the frying of our late PC.
I will insert here that I found the weather maps to be much more convieniently placed at the bottom right hand corner of the screen rather than at the top. And, it seems that the quality of Channel 9’s map has decreased over the past 2 years, no? It looks like something out of the 1980’s.
Yep, I have no problem with that. As long as I can see my show, I’m a happy camper.
Amen to that. That night was terrifying…I was home alone (In Broken Arrow at the time), just watching the TV, seeing the storms creep up the turnpike straight for me. Plus I had two of my best friends in Moore, and I had no idea if they were okay until the next day. Don’t care for a repeat performance.
psifireus, whereabouts in Broken Arrow? I grew up around 91st & 145th. (And welcome to the boards!)
I can’t believe this! I live in po-dunk Broken Arrow, OK and there’s another DOPER in my town?!? Will wonders never cease? YEE-HAW!! Welcome to the boards!
who is not, ordinarily, a
YEE-HAW kind of girl…
Wow, an Okie thread–displaced one here. In South Carolina, we don’t get those green skies that forebode a gully-washer, and I miss the smell in the air that comes along with them. A massive tornado here is one that takes out two flamingos in front of a trailer, not one that wipes out a three mile-wide strip of two towns.
I formerly lived near Britton & Western in OKC, though I grew up in Edmond. My dad grew up in Broken Arrow, on Toledo off of Elm (IIRC–my grandparents died a while ago and it’s been some time since I’ve been back to OK), and my in-laws live right on 51 between Coweta and Wagoner, next door to the Lawg Caybun convenience and archery store.
And is Mike Morgan still employed? I met him 15 years ago at a dinner at the Omniplex and thought he was the most vacuous idiot I’d ever met. And Gary England’s still alive? Hell, he was old when I was a kid.
Well, Gary England has won all sorts of TV news awards and was in the movie Twister. And he will talk with anyone.
Mike Morgan is a putz. Still. Even more so in person.
All the Ogle boys are really nice guys, as is Bob Barry, Jr. Linda Cavanaugh is an A class asshole.
I haven’t met any of the others, but, I’m sure I will if stay in this city much longer. Most of what I’ve heard is that the news people here that are from here (not move ins), are very much a part of the city scene. Go to enough concerts, events, and the restaurants in Bricktown, and you’ll meet up with them.
I used to live around Western and Wilshire. Noisy. Now I’m around 63rd and May. Just a couple of miles, but a real difference in noise.
Oh yeah, Gary is Channel 9, Mike is Channel 4; Channel 5 and 25 are small time in the weather news business. This is all OKC, btw.