Marvel Comics-associated actors who've...released music?

For awhile now, I’ve been keeping casual tabs on how many actors who’ve worked on Marvel Comics projects—movies, TV, animation, etc.—have also released or performed in musical works. Recently, after tallying things up, I find the list is almost surprisingly long.

In no particular order:

•Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) has released three albums.
•Gwyneth Paltrow (Pepper Potts) a number of singles.
•Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) has quite a career performing in stage musicals.
Mark Collie appeared as a villain in the first (theatrical) Punisher movie…and had a musical number.
David Hasselhoff (Nick Fury (I)), of course, has had a long and distinguished musical career. In Germany.
Chloe Bennet (“Skye,” in “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”) has actually released a few songs. In Mandarin, at that.
Gwendoline Yeo (A number of voice roles—including repeat performances as Lady Deathstrike and Domino) has also released…smooth jazz fusion pieces. She plays the guzheng. 'Even had a one-woman show on NPR.

Now, I’m sure a few of you are saying: “Well, given the decades these properties have appeared onscreen and the variety of genres the works actually cover, it’s almost inevitable that at least some of the artists onscreen would also have branched out into music.” To which I say…well I bet you’re a hell of a lot of fun at parties, aren’t ya?

I kid, I kid. But still, I wonder—who am I forgetting? There have to be at least a couple of more examples.

My rule? Any actor who’s had a speaking role in a video adaptation of a Marvel Comics property counts, except for musicians playing themselves (if any). That they were playing a character who originated in a comic is highly preferred, but not strictly required.

So…anyone have any suggestions? Excelsior!

You’re going to kick yourself over this one: Jeff Bridges, Obadiah Stane from the first Iron Man movie.

Robert Downey, Jr. (Iron Man) had an album early in his career. Here he sings “River”.

Tim Blake Nelson had a track on the Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack. He was in the Edward Norton Hulk movie.

Glenn Close was in Guardians of the Galaxy. She has starred in several Broadway musicals.

John C. Reilly has recorded songs and sang in Walk Hard. He was also in Guardians.

Robert Downey Jr has released an album - The Futurist

ETA - beaten to the punch

It seems to obvious to be left off, so I might be wrong.

But didn’t Robert Downey Jr release an album or two?

ETA: I too was beaten to the punch!

Kris Kristofferson played Whistler in the Blade movies. Whistler probably wasn’t a character in the source comics, though.

John Travolta from Punisher. Well-known for the Grease soundtrack and he had a brief hit in the 70s before that.

Sam Elliott, from The Hulk, sang in a cartoon musical called Barnyard. I don’t believe the song was ever released as a single, but there might be a soundtrack floating around.

Zoe Kravitz (Angel on X-Men: First Class) has recorded a few things.

Jamie Bell, Ben Grimm in the new FF movie, sang “Jingle Bells” in Billy Elliot. He has another singing credit for something else, but clearly I’m reaching here.

Men in Black originated in a comic book from a company Marvel bought later. Is that grandfathered in? Will Smith?

Alan Cumming, Nightcrawler from the second X-Men movie, has been in a bunch of musicals, notably Cabaret (he played the Emcee) and Annie (he played Rooster and sang “Easy Street”) and TV versions of both. I’m surprised there aren’t a lot more music types in this movie,but he and Hugh Jackman are old-school triple-threat hoofers.

FWIW, Patrick Stewart did backup vocals on one track of Brent Spiner’s Here Comes Ol’ Yellow Eyes.

Idris Elba (Heimdall) also has a few musical successes, performing with rap groups, as a DJ, and music videos.

Liv Tyler (Betty Ross) (also Steve Tyler’s daughter) has, surprisingly, only released one single.

Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique) sings on the song The Hanging Tree from the last Hunger Games movie.

I had no idea that Robert Downey Jr. could sing (let alone that he had made any recordings) until I saw this performance. I was surprised by how good he was.

Gwyneth (Pepepr Potts) Paltrow also did singing in the movie Duets

Huey Lewis said he was psyched to be told he’d be co-starring with Gwyneth, but a little crestfallen to find out he’d be her Dad.

I imagine Sally Field had much the same reaction to getting the opportunity to work with Tom Hanks again; she played his girlfriend in Punchline, but his mom in Forrest Gump…

Speaking of the Spiderman Franchise, Denis Leary (Captain Stacy) recorded a little tune called “Asshole”…

Well, Huey is 22 years older than Gwyneth, while Sally is only 10 years older than Tom. So I think she’s got a lot more reason to complain.

Well, there was that time Spider-Man himself released an album…