For some reason, I just found this story to be very funny, especially the line “They should have called her Mary Jane”
So now, having been presented with new evidence, we must re-ask the age old question: Ginger or Mary Ann?
Both. While I’m watching.
Pass the popcorn please. Pass the paper towels please.
Ditto both, circa 1969 to 1975. That picture of Dawn…well, granted it’s a mug shot but oogh.
I didn’t think she looked too bad for a 69-yr old…
Too funny, though! Ya gotta watch out for those straight-laced girls!
When Bob Denver was arrested a few years ago the early reports said that Dawn Wells had mailed him the package that got him in trouble, but he refused to identify his “source”. He got probation and a fine as well.
I understand arresting her for DUI, but when I hear of somebody being arrested for possession of a small amount of marijuana and paraphernalia I have a near nostalgic “How quaint… they’re still arresting people for that? Tell me, do they still sell those orange sherbert Push-Ups in stores and have those ‘It’s 10 o’clock, do you know where your children are?’ ads just before the news as well?”
This will do wonders for her career visibility if she wants it to: NORML rallies, guest spots on Leno and what-not as resident “hippie senior”, etc…
This is just more proof that Mary Ann was a narc.
Yah, she sounds like a Menace 2 Society all right. What a wonderful use of taxpayer resources.
Actually, that’s the most cheerful looking mug shot I’ve ever seen. She must have had time for a taste before they popped her.
Maybe the island offered one luxury!
That’s why they could never get their shit together enough to build a damn raft!
Gilligan’s not here, man.
Since two of the Gilligan’s Island crew have been busted for pot now, I have to ask - were any of the Scooby-Doo writers or actors ever caught carrying, um, Scooby Snax?
The article implies that she was smoking pot while driving, which just seems like a bad idea all around.
I agree she doesn’t look bad at all for her age.
First Bailey driving naked, and now this. I’m so depressed.
Wait … what did I miss?
**I’m ** depressed because she’s 69. Sigh…
and older
and older.
Better than the alternative, I guess…
She’s still that nice girl everybody likes. She has all those friends making excuses for her.
I’d say better all around than Tina, who seems to have a white-knuckle grip on her lost youth.
In case anybody else was wondering, that story here.
What had to really hurt was that she wasn’t identified as “Jan Smithers, bka Bailey Quarters from WKRP” in the opening sentence but as
Huh. A friend of mine claimed to smoke with her in the late 1980s, and I was never sure whether to believe him. Guess I do now.