Mass Dope?

Do we ever have a New England gathering of Dopers? I’m just curious. Perhaps there was one last weekend and I missed it. If so, maybe we could have another. Some centrally located New England place. Anyone have any ideas? Is this already something we do and I just don’t know it? If so, could someone fill me in on the secret?

There was one last summer in Haverhill.

We had one a couple of years back in Burlington, Vermont.

The only secret, I think, is that it’s ridculously difficult to plan these things, given how many Boston/Mass/New England Dopers there are.

2 summers ago, we had a gathering at Boston Billiards, which was loads of fun. Of course, it’s the only one I’ve ever gone to, so my opinion is a little skewed. As EddyTeddyFreddy mentioned, there was a fest-a-que in Haverhill last year, but I wasn’t there, so how much fun could it have been? :smiley:

Seriously, though, we should plan! Are you a good planner? There’s a yahoo group that has really dwindled in participation, but maybe we could start there?

Did I really kill this thread just by the very mention that I’d show up if there was a Massachusetts DopeFest?
A girl could get a complex…

Well, I’d be glad to meet up with folks as long as that lorene* doesn’t show up.
Last summer we did try for a few things. We were definitely thinking about getting together again. And it’s the thought that counts, right?

Part of the problem is coordinating, then there’s the schedule thing, and then there’s deciding where…

I’m going to be on vacation the week of July 11. Down the Cape for a few days and then probably to Brattlboro Vermont for a few days. Brattleboro might make a good Dopefest location. We had talked about meeting up in Salem at one point. (Hmmm, maybe I should rephrase that. And clarify that I don’t live there.)
*How the heck are ya? How’s the new baby?

You know, I should really get my butt to a local dopefest before I move to St. Louis and have a whole different group of local dopers. Unfortunately, most weekends this summer are bad for me, what with moving and wedding planning.

However, if it’s local enough that I can make it, I’ll try to show up and drink all y’all under the table.

We had two other get-togethers, not mentioned above, that I went to. One at the Hilltop in Saugus, and one out by Newton.

When were those Cal? I’ve been around awhile and don’t remember reading about them. (Not to say that means a damned thing, just curious!) I haven’t been to the Hilltop in years. Used to go sometimes when I lived closer to the city (Waltham).

I’d be up for something if I was actually going to be around this summer, but yes, there should be something; I think we NE folk seem to under-represent for local fests.

I don’t recall when, but they were both since 2000.

Anyone wanna put one together, I’m there.

I’d be up for it. It’s usually just a matter of one person taking upon himself to be autocratic and dictatorial enough to pick a time and place, and whoever can show up, does.

I did it once; but when I do it I’m confident and decisive.

Maybe it should be a particularity of New England dopers that they’re never able to get together, for a series of increasingly implausible reasons. It could be like that Buñuel movie.

I think we should have a Mass Dope this year. I think it should be this summer. But, I think someone else should plan it :smiley: . Oh, and if it’s not on July 12 at exactly 3:47 PM, I can’t be there.

In all seriousness though, I’d love to attend a Mass Dope. I actually would plan one but I don’t think I can. My current home has a pretty large yard, and a function room for rent but I don’t know if I’ll be living here all summer. Anyway, I seem to be much farther west than the rest of you and I’d rather me travel to you than have all of you travelling to me.

Maybe we could just congregate on the same place at the same time. We wouldn’t actually have to plan anything that way (other than the time and place). I like the idea of going to Salem or some other historical place. If we pick the right place, we probably wouldn’t even have to reserve it.

And a bringer of pies, right? I seem to recall that there was cherry pie involved at one, which I unfortunately didn’t get to.

I did enjoy the pool-fest at Boston Billiards. If folks wanted more daytime than nightlife, we could always do a culture-fest at something like the Decordova Museum, which has a big outdoor park area where we wouldn’t have to reserve anything. Of course, I’m just mentioning places I am familiar with…

Eh, I’m okay. The baby is not so new anymore. Crawls around a lot, and manages to find things invisible to the naked eye to cram into his mouth. He’s a big, chubby cutiepie, though, and his sister has even moved beyond wanting him to go live with grandma to giving him kisses and playing with him.

I’m totally up for a MassFest, but since I don’t own a car, I couldn’t attend unless it was along public transit routes or some nice doper agreed to give me a ride. That said, I have a three-story duplex, no yard but a park two houses away, so I might be able to host. How many people are we talking about? Oh, and I live in Arlington, just off Mass Ave.

What a very good memory you have. When went back, brought pie. It was my first attempt at a cherry pie (my favorite, but pie cherries are hard to find around here); not quite so tart next time.

I’m trying to think of what would be a good activity for a 'fest. Of course, by the time we get it organized, we’ll probably be skating at the Frog Pond on the Common.

So, who’s up for skating then? I’m thinking the 17th, about 1:00; but if everyone’s too busy we can push it back until after Christmas.

Who’s in?

I’m in, and I might be able to do the 17th, but sometime in January would be a lot better. I assume we’re talking skating at the Frog Pond in Boston Common?