maybe TMI-slapping female bottoms during physical relations

I am curious as to the physical aspects of some women that want their bottoms slapped during sex. can anybody tell me what causes this?
What percentage of females would this include, anyway?

I conducted an informal study of my a-dult memories and put the anecdotal pecentage at about 66%. I’m curious about this, myself.

Let me be the first to go out on a limb and say I like it. I like alawt. May I also say the phrase “slapping female’s bottoms” is squicky to the extreme. Though you may just be trying to be a gentleman, it’s just oogy(see List of Things Expressions We Do Not Use). Mayhaps someone can change the thread title to"slap my ass and call me Sally" or something else less molestery sounding?

Not that I am in any way implying you’re some kind of dirty birdie, Handsomeharry :wink:

The way our bodies respond to pain and pleasure are similar. Not much seperates the good feelings of, say, a massage or sex, and the bad feeling of, say, getting slapped around. For many people, these two responses are even closer, enough so that actual pain is pleasurable to them, especially when combined with intense pleasure, like sex. I suspect those that like to have their bottoms slapped are also of a similar vein of those that like to be bitten, scratched, etc…

It should be noted that it is in no way restricted to women.

Yes. That was hilarious enough to get me the office-neighbor stare-down. You know the one that seems to say: “I’m working & you’re laughing. How is that fair?”

Women who want their bottoms spanked during sex, or even before and after sex, are the best women in the world :slight_smile:

Diff’rent strokes, my brother. Mrs. HeyHomie loves it when I smack her on the ass during “relations.”

Whew, is it warm in here???

I’ll second this.

It should be noted there is a wide range of how hard and how far the spanking can go. Anywhere from not painful at all to a fetish that seems to take it to extremes.

I would like to note that while a woman may like her ass slapped during sex, playing “Wipeout” by the Ventures has usually crossed a line.

…play Muskrat Love by Captain & Tenille, on the other hand, and she becomes your erotic slave.

One of the problems I’ve found with sex is that if I don’t maintain just the right focus, the whole thing can suddenly come undone for me mentally because I get a sudden and vivid realisation of just how inherently funny the whole exercise is. I mean really, naked human beings look pretty damned humorous to start with. Having them do silly things with tab A and slot B just enhances that aspect, but once you start getting into things like bottom slapping, then I’m afraid I just have to burst out laughing, and that does tend to spoil the mood.

My ex liked having her arse slapped. I did it. I laughed. Now she’s my ex. Maybe there’s a lesson in that. :smiley:

Whack-a-Mole, I’m SO sorry, but your username showing up in this particular thread is giving me the giggles. I just had to let you know.

What would be the mole, in this case? :eek:

That’s a whole different kind o’ TMI.

Well, I’m all for the “Slap my ass, etc…”, but I’m easily impressionable, and I didn’t want to excite myself too much!
thanks, Wookinpanub!
p.s. I second, wholeheartedly, Phase42

Maybe it’s the fact that I have a birthmark on my butt that makes it funny to me.

Slap my ass and call me Sally

I laughed so hard when I read that, my husband wanted to know from the other side of the house what was so funny. I’ve never heard that expression before. Can you tell me more about it?

Right. And it can (and does) go way, way, way beyond mere ass slapping. And it’s good for the top, too.

Heh… I know a couple of girls who tend to bite from time to time. Another of my friends is a fellow from Canadia who claims to have a high pain thresh-hold. So every once in a while when he’s bragging about that one of the girls will just clamp onto his arm in a manner I always find to be more amusing than anything else. He’ll just sit there and continue talking with a bored look on his face while a cute blonde is attatched to his upper arm with her eyes rolling back and forth in order to keep up with the conversation.

I have weird friends.

Here’s a ratherinconclusive attempt at explaining the phrase. I also found a reference to “cut off my legs and call me shortly,” which is hilarious.

:eek: That’s my parents’ song. :eek: