Mayonnaise on hamburgers

Like ketchup, I’ve found the addition of mayonnaise to certain food items to evoke strong opinions, in this case hamburgers.

What say you? Does mayonnaise go on your burger or not?

When it is accompanied only by sliced green olives.

[gags, staggers toward door, throws up everything she has eaten in the past ten years]

Umm, no thank you.

C’mon, tell us how you really feel about this. :smiley:

I voted HELL YES - not a lot, though.

Yeah, it has to be just a tiny bit, and only if it’s balanced by a really good slice of tomato. Otherwise, just ketchup, thanks.

Many things come together to add to the enjoyment of a burger, but right after cheese, mayo is the most essential. Also, ‘mayo’ is pronunced just like a Latin word that means ‘I pee’.

I know it’s one of the worst foods you can eat, but I would eat mayonaisse on a mayonaisse casserole and I’d probably ask for more mayonaisse while doing it. However, I like to blend it with the ketchup, which is also great on fries.

I wouldn’t say “Hell yes” and I don’t put the mayo on all my hamburgers, but I’ve done it in the past and I’ll do it again in the future here and there. It’s not a staple, but it’s a food and therefore it belongs in my stomach.

I like mayo. A lot. But not on hamburgers. Get that shit off mine.

Hell no! I don’t like mayo on any hot food. The one almost exception is tomato sandwiches. I toast the bread slightly so it doesn’t get mushy and it must have mayo.

I don’t hate mayo, and I don’t mind it on burgers (like the BK whopper), but I prefer just ketchup and mustard along with the pickles, lettuce and onions. I was upset to see Wendy’s now has replaced the mustard with mayo. Plus mayo is just bad for you.

On hamburgers, mayo is a war crime.

I’ll have mayo on a burger if there are also lettuce and tomatoes. If not, then no mayo.

I just don’t get the point. You already have a greasy, unctuous burger (if done right). All that mayo really does is add emulsified oil to the equation, with a little bit of acidity. I prefer to add the acid elsewhere, as with mustard or a vinegary hot sauce. I generally only add mayo to foodstuffs that need the addition of oil and acid. Listen, I love my fatty foods, but mayo is just complete overkill. Even in “hamburger sauce” (with the exception of In N Out, the one place I let mayo or a mayo-containing sauce touch my hamburger.)

I’ll take ketchup, mayo, lettuce, tomato, and maybe a slice of onion on my cheeseburger.

Good God Almighty, which way do I steer?

Needs Heinz 57, RT.

Make mine mayo! And hold that ketchup shit.

Any sauce out of proportion will screw up a good burger. I like mine with mayo, mustard and katsup in a light and proportional layer. If sauces squirt out the back when you take a bite, there’s too much sauce in my opinion.

Conversely, if I have to put any kind of sauce on a steak, it ain’t done right.

I don’t think it’s necessary, but it’s an acceptable variation. I’d prefer it far more than that yellow industrial sludge hamburgers come with these days.

none for me but to be fair I dont like mayo on anything, ever since I was a kid all I taste with mayo is fat