I am ordinarily quite forgiving of political slips of the tongue. Candidates talk to many different audiences, hardly sleep, and out of context remarks can be put on the block and tortured. So is this different from HRC misspeaking Putin’s successor’s name?
I say yes, it is, for the following reasons.
Foreign policy experience is the core of McCain’s value proposition. He has already told us that he does not know much about economics, but that we should vote for him anyway on the strength of his foreign policy experience. This is a direct challenge to an area where we expect him to be utterly dominant.
He persisted in his error despite further inquiries and had to be publically corrected by J-Lie. I can understand if he had said “Iran supports al Qaeda, er, no, sorry, I meant Shi’a extremists”. That is a slip of the tongue. But he apparently continued to forge ahead until he was yanked back by the collar.
This was not red meat for a US event. Though the event was not “political”, he was a representative of the US government in a foreign country. He had a greater obligation not to look like a retard than if he were just speaking in an old folks’ home in Boise. The bar is simply higher, and greater preparation is expected. He seems to have failed here quite seriously.
For the past six and a half years, the Republicans have been trying to draw an imaginary link between Al Queda and certain Arab countries: first Iraq, now Iran. Given that history, it’s a lot less likely that this was merely an innocent mistake.
I wasn’t going to vote for him anyway, so I can say this gaffe will have zero effect on my vote. As to how serious a gaffe it is, I give it a five on a scale of one to ten.
Now, what’s the over and under on Lieberman as the VP pick?
McCain of late has moved from trying to be the voice of reason to fear mongering.
I presume he simply realized he can win a general election with reason.
I think it’s a good example of the Us vs. Them mentality someone like McCain, Bush, Cheney etc. still have and have always had.
To them an Iraqi extremist = Al Queda = anyone that hates America.
I think we all (and particularly all thinking of voting for him) need to face up to the very disquieting fact that McCain is even more hawkish than Bush.
That was the first thing I thought also. Mccain doesn’t care if people in the ME think he’s stupid and uninformed. He does profit if US voters are uninformed about the nature of the Iraq war & Iran’s roll.
Great. A combination of Reagan’s senioritis and Bush’s lack of contact with reality.
I don’t think there has been another politician where I have gone from mild like of to absolute detestation than McCain. He probably really believes Iran is behind it. Someone should give him the Sunni/Shia quiz.
I started a Pit Thread about this. I think it was very disquieting. I was surprised. I would expect this from George W. (“I thought they were all Muslims” ) Bush but I was kind of stunned to find out that Mccain does not know the difference between Sunni or Shia or between al qaeda and the insurgency. I know the White House and its media outlets have been blurring all Iraqis (and all Muslims, for that matter) of any militant stripe into “the terrorists,” and conflating them al with al Qaeda, but I had assumed that John McCain knew that was bullshit. I guess he doesn’t.
I don’t buy that it was a slip of the tongue because anyone with the most basic knowledge should be aware that the Shiites (i.e Iran) and al Qaeda (which is Sunni) hate each other probably more than either entity hates the US. The Shiites and the Sunnis were feuding with each other before America even had white people on it.
If he’d corrected himself, maybe I could buy it as a slip of the tongue, but he repeated it and had to be corrected by Lieberman.
When he pulled out that “al qaeda is already in Iraq” rejoinder to Barack Obama a little while ago, I assumed he knew that aQ-in-Iraq consists of maybe 800-1000 individuals (according to US State Department estimates) who are mostly opportunistic gnats in the country, are hardly any driving force for the insurgency (which is 98+% homegrown) and have lately been turned on even by the Sunni insurgents. I assumed he KNEW the difference bewteen aQ-in-Iraq and the insurgency but was just intentionally blurring the facts because that’s what all these elected assholes do all the time, especially when they’re running for something. Now I’m forced to believe that McCain just really doesn’t know what he’s talking about. A cynical liar, I could accept. That’s part of the job. But another foreign policy dunce (or, at the least, someone too lazy to do any homework even about the very issue he’s presenting as his strength)? That’s not encouraging at all.