Media related to the dynamic relationship between men and women

So, in a thread we had recently, Gracer posted a link to a video titled Femme de la Rue. I, along with several other dopers, were somewhat astonished by it, as it was seen from the POV of a woman. Something I have never experienced before, obviously.

It got me to thinking about the discussions we’ve had recently on this topic, and the spirit of the board – fighting ignorance. I thought it would be a good idea if we could share links to some of the most insightful media we have come across that helps to explain the dynamic relationship between men and women. Whether it be books, magazines, articles, videos… whatever.

So, please, share. Because some of us are clueless and could really benefit from it. :slight_smile:

That would be most of literature and popular entertainment.

Right, that’s why I added “insightful” as an adjective.

So can it be stuff that I consider insightful or can it also be stuff that dumb people consider insightful?

Whatever floats your boat.

Then we’re back to the above.

It’s really not all that complicated.

I’ll vote for Lou Christie’s “Lightning Strikes”–one of my favorite pop songs, precisely because it lays out the sexual dynamic without all the usual schmutz and schmaltz:

I think it’s against the rules to post the lyrics, but it shouldn’t be difficult to find them.
Now, I’m not saying I like his evaluation of the situation–just that it’s accurate!