Medical facts about sex.

I got this in an e-mail
and I hope it hasn’t been posted before,
I surched on it, but couldn’t find anything.

  1. It takes 116 muscles to climax, but only 17 to smile. (But who

  2. Sex makes you alert and ready to face the world … it’s an ideal
    substitute for a hot breakfast.

  3. The greater the orgasm, the deeper the sleep. Multiple orgasms (20 or
    more per hour) can induce
    a coma and near-fusion with the mattress.

  4. Eat and drink sensibly. The combination of alcohol and sex,
    especially after long abstinence, can cause
    spontaneous fizzle.

  5. Improved breath control increases oxygen supply throughout entire
    body, prevents asphyxiation during
    mighty kisses, trims and tones pelvis, promotes a stronger upper body
    enabling you to hold on tight and
    keep partner from damaging furniture during moments of ecstasy.

  6. Better coordination prevents confusion during intricate
    manipulations, permitting you to talk and
    perform at the same time.

  7. A single ejaculation, especially from a man, contains enough sperm
    cells to fertilize every woman in the Marines.

  8. Oral sex is a great way to firm the lower face. (For whom? )

  9. After 16 steady hours of sex, it is wise to check your insurance

10.“Where am I?” should not be considered an abnormal response to
immense orgasm.

  1. Men who experience difficulty with insertion should see a guidance

  2. Too much arousal can bring on a hard-attack.

  3. It’s perfectly okay to have sex on an empty stomach, especially if
    it belongs to your partner.

  4. You know that you’ve had too much sex when your life begins to flash
    before your eyes.

  5. You know you’ve had too little sex when your partner begins to flash
    before your eyes.

  6. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and in

  7. Good sex can correct poor posture, or at least make it stand up

  8. Thirty percent of our body heat escapes through the head (wear a hat
    during sex).

  9. Sex on an inclined surface (an anthill, for example) builds

  10. The length of an orgasm is usually anywhere from three to eleven
    seconds or four to seven feet.

  11. 1970 FDA approves spray-on Vaseline.

  12. To prevent bedsores, oil the sheets.

  13. Maintenance tip for massages: change the oil every 10,000 strokes.

  14. Sexual survival depends on knowing the difference between a
    birthmark and a rash.

I want some sex now,
today, tomorrow and every day.

So…how many women Marines can a female ejaculation fertilize?

Which is of course why you’re posting, instead of . . . changing:)

Some of those aren’t true, btw.

[sub]Hope that didn’t sound mean[/sub]

*Originally posted by iampunha *

Which is of course why you’re posting, instead of . . . changing:)**

You’re so right,
I’m soooo bored here,
that it really sucks.

Okay, FOUR I can make… [sub]No, I’ve never measured! Of course not![/sub]
But SEVEN? Damn, now there’s a well-muscled penis for you.

Doesn’t the avearge ejaculation contain several hundred million sperm cells? This would be enough to impregnate every woman in the country, several times over.

Nah, Mnem . . . just shoot up a bit.

This is quite ironic if you consider what the slang term “hot breakfast” meansin England… not much of a substitute.

The average ejaculation contains about 100 million sperm. This would be enough to impregnate every woman of child-bearing age in the country, with enough left over for Canada and a signifacant portion of Mexico.

Calories we burn whilst having sex!
Check it.

i lost 10 pounds in the from two weeks ago when my gf and i started gettin into it. she’s gone for the summer, and i’m worried about how i’m gonna keep the weight off…anyone live in az?

Yep, remember, 45 degrees for maximum distance!

See, I knew sex ould solve all of my problems.

I think that was just a joke list about sex, Anniz. I wouldn’t pay much attention to it as far as being medical science.

I just posted it for the fun,
not because of any science.

So size DOES matter.

You got me there.:D;)

Me, but don’t expect me to rush over there…well, okay.

ok, dlgirl, as soon as the blood gets back in my brain where it should be, i’ll be able to tell you my address.

And, well, you got me, too. :slight_smile: