Meet the new puppy!

He’s a Collie mix, his name is Loki (yes, after the Norse god of fire and mischief, and no, not after the angel in Dogma). The name is a self-fulfilling prophecy. He’s a menace I tell ya, a MENACE.

Albeit a cute one.

He was adopted from the South Suburban Humane Society. Every dog I’ve ever had came from a shelter. Best dogs evar!

Pics below.

Hey. I’m Loki

The business end.

Sleeping beauty

All done sleepin, time to eat!
My Brothers Keeper

The big one is Cosmo. He’s a sweet Rhodesian mix, 5 years old.

Fixed link for the pair of them.

Love the eating photo!


What a cutie! And as you know, you get extra Karma points for adopting a shelter pup.

Very cute Loki!

We adopted a rescue pup today! Named Jewels, it’s a 16 month-old Shih Tzu in silver brindle colouring.

So cute! Congratulations! It will be interesting to see what he looks like when he grows up…mutt puppies are so much fun.

My second shelter pup, Khasi, a Shepherd Husky mix was adopted when I was in 5th grade. He lived 23 years, 10 of them on Old Style and Burger King. Shelter dogs really are the best, Karma points or not! (not that i’m saying no, I need all the help I can get).

Great looking puppy. Love that picture of him trying to eat.

Bless him! I’ll bet that’s what my sweetheart, Crazy Ole Bob Ranger looked like as a puppy. He was a shelter dog; I never knew him as a pup.

He’s the brown and beautiful one; the white and wonderful one is Gideon Louis.

Caricci’s boy’s

Please pardon the glowing eyes.

Bonus: now with 90% less glowing eyes

Very sweet puppy!

AWWWWW!!! Loki is a darling!! Congrats on the new family member!

Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Everytime I see a puppy pix I want one! And yours is especially cute!

I wish they had puppy loaners.


Nothing makes me melt like puppies! And yours is adorable! Totally looks like a Loki, too.


OK, if we’re doing puppy pictures, I have to include my own Border/Spaniel mix, Newton:

Newton in July 2006

Newton as a Puppy with Tennis Ball


And I’m sorry, buttonjockey308…Loki is one very cute pup!

I got Newton from Kay’s up in Arlington Heights. Also a shelter pup!


Cemetary Savior He’s a doll! What a kisser as a pup too. Shelter dogs ARE the best…though my opinion IS quite biased.

Awwww! All puppies and doggies are very cute and cuddly. :slight_smile: Loki is especially adorable - I just want to snuggle him! LOL I just love posts like this, especially with many pics of cutie-pie pets.