MEN ! How important is it to have a Moaner? Screamer?

Yes, I’m talking about while doing the dirty deed !!

I’m embarressed to be asking this… but I just need to know … do you NEED to hear moans and screams to know your lover is enjoying herself?

My husband and I have been discussing this lately, I admit I am quiet in that area, but it certainly does not mean I don’t like it, or that it doesn’t feel good.

It’s nice to hear something from the other half, in my opinion. :slight_smile: Moans and screams are nice, but not seriously required in my book.

Not required, but they are a turn-on.

…for ME, anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

A reaction is necessary…loud moans and screams, wnile extremely motivating and exciting, aren’t needed. If its your thing to just breathe heavily and pant, thats fine as long as I can tell your having a good time. Clutching my head, or scratching my back works too. “Oh god, Yes, yes, yes…don’t stop, don’t ever stop” is fine. But if I need to look up and check to see if you’ve fallen asleep or not (regardless of how much your actually enjoying yourself) you can safely assume I won’t be coming back for seconds.

I never thought I would ever have cause to remember this…but a girl I knew in high school was known as the Campbell’s Soup Girl. Yes, idiot-girl-me had to have it explained.


Haven’t been able to eat the cream soups since.

Ugh…please accept apologies for that. It was BAD.

I agree with Omni, some kind of feedback is required or I feel that you are counting ceiling tiles or napping. Believe me when I say this is one situation where men will take and appreciate directions being given to them. (harder, slower, faster, up, left). But no reaction is just that, no reaction. Doesn’t have to be verbal, but do SOMETHING.

Can’t answer for the guys, but curious to hear their answers…

<grabs a chair and waits>

The only reaction you’ll get will be screams of outrage if you cum in a few seconds. :smiley:

Please don’t post such things before lunch. Now I have to sit here thinking about soup for the next hour. :slight_smile:

Nen, you’re evil…I like that ;).

Mmmmmmmm… wink

While I’ve never been with a woman who resembles the Kim Cattrall character from Porky’s( called Lassie if I’m not mistaken ) , I do like a bit of noise and reaction during sex.

Feedback (in whatever form) is a turn-on. Lying there quietly and limply is a turn-off.

Make noise for the sake of your partner. It will inspire him to greater heights (or lengths).

Don’t need it. But I do like it.

The louder, the better. :slight_smile:

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with moaning, screaming, or yodelling during sex. It is our mission to please and feedback only helps us in this department.

Once you have kids things have to change, there would be nothing worse than having one of our kids run in thinking I was killing their mommy… :slight_smile:

The moans and screams are not necessary. But, given the choice, I’d prefer soft moans. Screaming and yelling just make me think of pain which kinda throws off my rhythm. Given the ultimate choice though, I’d prefer her to talk dirty. :slight_smile:

<ethnic joke hijack>
How can you tell when a Jewish American Princess is having an orgasm?

When she drops her nail file

</ethnic joke>

Yodelling?! Yodelling is only acceptable when accompanied by a sousaphone, accordian and a squad of polka-ers wearing lederhosen. I guess some people will do anything for a little leather in their sex life.

I love to hear my hubby moaning, talking dirty, etc. during sex. The louder the better, IMO. I also love to be able to let loose and be really loud myself.

 Unfortunately, like Feynn said, it's not always feasible with kids around, but when we can sneak home for a nooner, wooo hooo!

 Stormi, I know it can feel artificial and awkward at first, but you should really give it a try, and encourage your husband to, too. It can add a very exciting dimension to the whole experience.

Gotta say screaming isn’t really my cup of tea, but moaning and talking dirty will inspire me to much greater lengths. (Ahem.)

Screaming always reminds me of a scene near the beginning of “Jerry Maguire.” Jerry’s girlfriend (whose name I don’t remember) has mounted him, and is really going to town. She screams “Don’t ever stop fucking me!” and Jerry, obviously tired, says “We have to stop SOMETIME.”