I was walking to the breakroom today and saw an otherwise normal looking man wearing a light pink polo shirt. IMHO a pink shirt should not be an option for men. Not straight men, not gay men, no men at all. I guess since birth I’ve been conditioned that it’s a feminine color, that’s right I’m a pink shirt bigot! And, don’t let me catch you ever wearing pink pants! I’ve never seen it but I’m sure it’s happening!
Didn’t you see the Simpsons where Homer was fired for being a non-conformist? Obviously, this guy’s son threw a red hat into the laundry with all his white shirts, leaving him no choice but to wear a now pink one. Quit persecuting him for his son’s carelessness!!
Pink shirts are great! I am a large and powerful, stern looking, heterosexual, manly man person in my professional life (hey it’s not my fault it’s just the way I am) and an open collared, freshly pressed pink dress shirt on casual Friday adds a perfect touch of whimsy to my foreboding mien.
I do understand your concern, however, about wearing pink yourself as it might not come off that well on a less studly more feminine looking man, so leave the pink shirts to the macho men who can make that comparison-contrast thing work for them.
Pink shirts are OK on a man. Lavender is better.
Hold up! Now that wasn’t fair! I am a very powerful, stern looking, hetero! Well, sorta powerful…pretty whatever-opposite-of-stern is, definately hetero though! And I might add…I don’t like the word ‘whimsy’ either!
What about my hot pants?
Pink shirts bad. Ties with cartoon characters also bad.
As long as they aren’t pink, we can hang!
I had a pink, button down shirt from LL Bean for many years. I wore it until the collar wore out and Mrs. KVS threw it away.
I think any man who believes pink shirts will brand him as a homo is a bit too insecure already. I know that sounds harsh, and I’m sorry, but I really do believe that that’s a limitation that exists solely in your head.
Most people don’t remember what their friends wore yesterday, let alone last week. The same goes for coworkers. I’ve worked in an office for the past year, and despite much eavesdropping (hey, I work in a cubicle!), I have NEVER heard one person say to another (either male OR female) “Oh my gosh! Look at Bob in that pink shirt! How unmanly! I’m calling the fashion police squad, to whip him back into shape!”
It’s all a matter of personal preference. If you feel comfortable with it, fine. If you don’t, then don’t wear a pink shirt. But don’t knock on people who are bit braver than you are and DO wear the pink/lavendar/magenta shirt.
My opinion, and I have a feeling you won’t like it. Sorry.
Wait a minute…hold up…I never said anything about being branded as a ‘homo’. I’ve just always considered pink to be a feminine color.
This forum is all about opinions and you’re entitled to yours but don’t be putting words in my mouth.
Okay, if you’re wearing hot pants, nothing should be hanging, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. That’s a completely different kind of party. And I’m invited, right?
I thought the masculine shade of pink was referred to as “salmon.” Although a quick check of the Ralph Lauren site–one of the most egregious perpetrators of pinks and pastels on men–reveals polo shirts in the shades of “pink sands”, “perfectly pink,” and “Naples red” (deeper and not so Laura Ashley cabbage rose pink).
My father wears pink button-down shirts. Thank heaven I didn’t inherit his fashion sense…
Zev Steinhardt
Slow down there Freud!
I’m not afraid of pink shirts any more than I am frightened by brown shoes. Its simply MHO that pink is a color which doesn’t really suit anyone at all– men in particular though. If you want to assail some facet of the pink shirt-hater, attack their fashion sense, not their courage.
As my dear old dad used to say to me, [Foghorn Leghorn voice] “Son. I say, son, if you’re man enough you can wear whatever the hell you want to and let the Devil take anyone who don’t like it.”[/Foghorn Leghorn voice]
I’ve always been secure enough in my manhood to wear what I please and from time to time that has even included a pink shirt. Besides that, the womenfolk dig it!
Well, as long as the womenfolk dig it I guess it’s alri…whoa! You almost got me there Frumious, nice try pal. Pretty sneaky.
I"ve got several pink shirts and have received compliments on how nice they look. That’s enough for me - I’ll keep wearing them.
Plnnr - Heterosexual male, 5’10", 190# manly man.
Now, don’t be attackin’ my fashion sense. It can’t defend itself!
A very light pink is a great colour for a dress shirt, worn under a dark-coloured suit.
I wouldn’t wear it as a casual colour myself, though.
Kaotic - it wasn’t my intention to put words in your mouth or offend you, and for any distress I’ve caused you, I apologize.
However, it did seem to me that your assertion that pink shirts weren’t good on ANY men warranted a certain amount of attention. Why shouldn’t they be allowed on any men?
And my dear buddy p@cific@812 - Why doesn’t pink look good on anyone? Lots of people have worn it, without any terrible commentary from Joan Rivers.
I agree with you Bandersnatch! As a member of the female persuasion myself, I can tell you that any guy wearing pink gets an immediate double-take. That doesn’t go just for me, but for my female friends and relatives as well. And the double-take isn’t for the sentiment of “Eww! Pink on a GUY!”, it’s more like “Hey, check it out! A pink guy! That’s kinda neat.”
We womenfolk DO dig it!