Men shave balls . . . but what about waxing?

Sorry, I don’t believe you. The boss might do the areas around the scrotum, but not the scrotum itself. For one thing, I think you would risk ripping the whole thing off, not kidding.

I’ve now gotten over the image of waxing my balls. I am now on to the image of applying a spash of witch hazel to the boys after the waxing,

In all honesty, I would guess that ball waxing may get some play in S&M circles.

Interesting, given your username.

And, given MY username, let me be the first to offer cites:

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Not only is it possible to wax the scrotum, it’s a requirement of Islam. cite (Well, ok, it’s a requirement that the pubic hair be removed every 40 days. Islamic law says that a man may use chemicals, like Nair, or wax, while a woman must pluck hers one by one. Assholes.)

I don’t shave them, exactly, I pull the skin taut and go gently over them with my beard and mustache trimmer. Even that sometimes irritates the skin.

I don’t even know why WOMEN get waxed. Pain aside, I can think of no good reason for either myself or any woman to go to such an extreme to remove hair. I’m not advocating that all women go around without shaving anything, but on the other hand, I don’t think it would bother me if they did. There’s something earthy and primal about body hair on women. Shaving it off makes them seem infantile, and I have never liked a shaven cleft. I want to know I’m with a woman, not a girl. I trim my own bits mostly for neatness and because it does add some sensation. i suppose those reasons could apply to women as well. But I’ve yet to have a girlfriend who didn’t immediately cease shaving her nether regions when I told her I didn’t mind the hair.

If “good” means no hair,
Why did God put it there?

I used to be a hairy bush advocate myself (within reason, of course), and also would request that my girlfriends grow the full triangle, to which they readily agreed.

BUT my current gf just waxed everything completely, and I love it.

Overall, this is my take . . . all or nothing. I do not find the different “half shaven” haircuts that women give themselves very attractive. I don’t care fo “the skinny V,” hate “the stripe,” and abhor “the Hitler moustache.” I prefer either a uniformly hairy full triangle all the way down past the labia majora, or nothing at all.

I have. I have it done it every month. The beautician has to be skilled. The pain lasts for less than a second and the result is great.

I agree. And I extend the “all or nothing” philosophy to the rest of the female body. Either way is fine, but… Shave at all? Shave it all! Well, not your head.

And no, I’m not going to shave or wax my balls. I never claimed to be fair or consistent.

There was an article in the NYT just last week or so about male waxing … apparently it’s becoming more popular.

I have to say … if my old man came home ‘pejazzled,’ I’d probably die laughing … so it must be meant for you young 'uns out there …

Given the nitpickery we’ve had before about misapplying the word “vagina”, I’m astonished that no-one pointed out that you sure ain’t waxing testicles without surgery. :dubious:

/stuff about zombie 'nads.