Michael J. Nelson of MST3k latest project

Pay him $1.99, get an mp3 of a full length mst3k style riff of the movie. The only one he has now is “Roadhouse”, but hopefully this will take off and he’ll do more.

Huh. This could be interesting, especially if this method means he doesn’t need to get licensing for the movies, or adhere to any television standards, and so on.

On the other hand, Mike doing it by himself seems sort of…sad, in a way. Some of the best MST3K jokes were coordinated between two or all three of the guys (“McCloud!”). Plus, neither Mike nor Joel were ever that charismatic, and they needed the bots as foils. Mike by himself might not be enough to keep interest up throughout the movie.

If he puts out a riff for a movie I’m interested in, though, I may give it a shot.

Saw the announcement earlier - any available payment method other than PayPal, which is the devil?

Excellent choice for the first one. Roadhouse must be one of the worst movies ever.

While I agree that Mike alone is inadequate for the task of riffing on an entire film, my hope is that if enough people buy the downloads, he will have the funds to hire supporting players.

I don’t have an mp3 player yet, but am in the market for one. If anyone has actually tried this, give us some feedback–how well timed are the comments, is the process complicated, etc.

And, on a slight tangent, considering how bad SF Channel sucks these days, does anyone else think it’s time for them to offer MJN a chance to revive the show?

The fact that the writers of MST3K are all under-employed, while the writers of (let’s pick one at random) *Yes, Dear * are cashing a check every week, is criminal.

Is Trace Beaulieu still writing for America’s Funniest Videos? I haven’t checked lately.

Maybe the old crew should pitch a remake of Hello Larry!.

God I miss MST3K.

Yup. I count that as under-employed.

Oh, absolutely. I fully support any motion to revive MST3K, and I hope this pans out. I may pay for a copy of the file just to show support, although my Netflix queue is far too full to support adding Roadhouse to it. :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting me/us know about this! I just bought it. It might be a little while before I can get the movie to do it right, but I wanted to just buy it anyway to show my support. I might just listen to it as it to see what it’s like.

Come on everybody. Buy it! It’s 2 measily dollars!

You most definitely do not need an mp3 player. You can listen it it on your computer, or easily burn it to a CD.

I just came back from looking at the site when I saw this thread. I think it’s a great idea. Hopefully Mike can corrall Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy to join him behind the mic.

If you want to find out how Mike is by himself, I would suggest you get a copy of Reefer Madness and watch the colourized version with Mike’s commentary or House on Haunted Hill (the Vincent Price original) since these are two movies on which he provided commentary alone.

He also riffed on Night of the Living Dead, not sure which production company released it, it’s the one with the B/W original version, and the bastardized colorized versions on the same disc…

Mike on his own is definitely sad, he needs the 'Bots as foils and to bounce riffs off of

the Mike Nelson commentary on NOTLD was incredibly underwhelming, had none of the charm of an MST3K Experiment, you could tell he just wasn’t “into it” that day, flat and unfunny for the most part

Heck with it, I’ll give Mike the chance to prove me wrong. :slight_smile: I bought the track and moved Roadhouse up in my queue (Clerks had a long wait anyway). The downside is I don’t have a personal MP3 player, so I’ll have to jury-rig something with my computer and TV this weekend. If nobody else gets to it first, I’ll report in with how it works out.

Burn a CD and put a little boombox next to it!

I own this DVD and have watched this track. I’ll personally attest to the fact that Mike does a fine job with or without bot support. Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing how this goes once they have a few more movies.

By the way, what do “New York Balloon Bouquets” and pills to keep you awake have to do with Mike Nelson, besides being in the Google ads?

I’ll pop my NOTLD DVD in and give the “Nelsonized” track another listen…

maybe i was just pissed off the day i watched it…

It’s the Fox/Off Color Films version, actually has some pretty surprising options, Original Mono track, as well as 5.1 Dolby Digital and DTS remixes…

the “Nelsonized” track is only available on the colorized version…