My girlfriend might be allergic to latex and she wants me to try the new Microsheer Polyurethane Condoms. Anybody tried these? Are they as strong and reliable as the latex ones?
yes i have tried these once…they are terrible…it feels like wrapping thick plastic wrap around your penis. the condom, in fact feels just like plastic and doesn’t seem to stretch very much at all…not recommended by me. Try lambskin condoms, they might be better.
Thick? I have Trojan microshear (I’m not at home to check the exact name) and these things are super thin.
I like them better since they’re very “loose” fitting on me (while still secured) and are very difficult to feel. The only downside is the price.
i was just saying that they are a little thicker than plastic wrap…and they are are also crinkly (sp?) compared to latex… and yes they are more expensive
Just note to remind people that lambskin condoms do NOT protect against HIV. The microscopic pores in it are larger than the virus.
Then try the vaginal condom version (which can also be used as a rectal condom). This way, the skin of the penis is sliding against the condom itself (rather than skin of the penis trying to feel the sliding of the vagina (or rectum or mouth or overripe vegetable, etc…) through the condom).
I use durex avanti polyurethane condoms. I liked them ALOT better then trojan ultra thins. Those things actually once came off my penis and lodged itself into her vagina.
Avanti are OK. I’ll use those when I can’t get anything else. When I can’t, I’ll get the “female condom” and not use the retaining ring.
There’s a Dutch brand of polyurethane condom called EZ-On, which ironically is made in California. It’s really good. Wider than the Avanti. It also has a fringe around the end that helps protect against herpes.
I used one once and I had to switch in the middle of sex. For some reason it was hard to get the lubrication thing right. I don’t really know what it was, but when I used it it felt like it didn’t slide as well as latex. Go for the Lambskin condom if you trust that your GF doesn’t have any diseases (you probably do). I don’t know how Lambskins do against sperm, though. I seem to remember that lambskins are basically “use at your own risk,” or at least that’s how I categorize them in my mind.
My wife is allergic to Latex, so we use the polyurethane condoms. We used to use the Avanti ones, but switched to Trojan after finding them - the Trojans are thinner, and never fall off like the Avanti sometimes did.
I don’t know how they compare as far as blocking sperm or disease stands. My wife can’t concieve and neither of us has anything transmissible. (Why do we use condoms at all? Because she’s also allergic to sperm.)