I hope the mere mention of that name doesn’t get anyone so worked up that they twist their own knickers. I was around during those days, but, much like the 60’s, it’s all a blur.
From what I’ve read of his, I think it is. What really motivated me to post this was this part of his column from yesterday:
What the fuck is he saying? That the youth’s parents are stupid? That if they had raised him right, he wouldn’t be dead, so it’s all their fault?
I hope that this syphilis infected piece of shit’s mother, lying on her death bed, lets him know that his father was impotent and she only became pregnant with him after his father took a janitorial job at the local porn theater and, when they refused to give him a mop, he improvised by using his tongue.
Um, he seems to be saying that parents should warn their children about the dangers of binge drinking, or maybe even that they should teach their kids about alcohol.
Doesn’t seem like particularly bad advice, and I don’t see how it warrants all the (rather lame and uninspired) froth coming out your mouth.
“Wise” people are folks who can learn from their own, and other’s, experiences. He’s saying that parents would be wise to learn from this one. You’re doing an impressive amount of reading-in to this piece; back off a little bit and see it for what it is.
The early days of my registration are a blur as well, but I have a vague memory of a Somebody Masterson who was quite the vulgar and obtuse poster. Perhaps it is he to whom the OP refers.
Appears to me to mean that wise parents, having seen this senseless death, should make sure their soon-to-be college kids see it also so that they may avoid the same fate.