Milum, let's talk Lekatt

Please don’t bother Milum.

He’s supposed to be researching to provide proof for his claim that lawyers collude to set prices. Link.

It’s taken him days and days, and if you bother him, why, he’ll never get it done.

Let’s not forget that Milum is bravely defending the IRA. Oh no, they’re not terrorists because-get this!-they phone in warnings!!!

Guinastasia - link?

That’s Millen, Guin.

It is? Oh shit.

I must be channeling Emily Litella or something.

Not mentioned yet, but good for a laugh is Lekatt’s assertion that a week after the hurricane in his anecdote it snowed in New Orleans. The hurricane was June 27,1957. So he’s saying that it snowed in New Orleans on or about the Fourth of July.

Funny there are no references to that happening anywhere but in L’s posts. Seems someone else would’ve noticed.

If you order the muster rolls, you will have to pay $34 for the microfilm.

However, for the cost of a stamp, an envelope, and a few minute of your time, anyone who wishes can visit this site and fill out Standard Form 180 print it out and send it to :
National Personel Records Center
(Military Personel Records)
9700 Page Ave
St. Louis MO 63132-5100**

You will need this info:

Leroy Kattein
Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, September 14, 1937

If you have any doubt as to Lekatt’s military service check it out for yourself.
