Has anyone tried the new mint skittles? I’m not sure how you can have “five delicious and different Peppermint tastes” and “five delicious and different Spearmint tastes,” but I can’t wait to try them! I wonder if they’re chewy like regular skittles or more like Certs?
Whoa, weird. My friends and I were actually just talking about this the other day, but we didn’t know there were two different mixes… we just thought it was a bag of mint Skittles with five different mint flavors. But we could only come up with three… Peppermint, Spearmint, and Wintergreen. We were wondering what they were going to call the other two. I wonder if they taste different from each other or it’s just five different colored same-tasting mints. I’ll have to try a bag.
[sub]hard at work keeping the P in MPSIMS…[/sub]
is disturbed by the existence of www.skittles.com:eek:
Ive tried them, and the addiction is on! I cant really explain how, but there really are 5 different tastes. Im obsessed. Course, it may just be that I like the container they come in…
On further research, here’s a somewhat unfavorable yet amusing review of them. Still no good explanation of what the “five flavors” really are though.
Does anyone know if this is strictly a US thing? I myself would like to try some, but I’m not sure if they’re available in Canada. It’s been some time since I’ve bought Skittles, so they may be here and I haven’t noticed it yet. Sounds like a cool concept though!
I guess I’m the only one who didn’t like them at all. They all tasted like chewing gum that disolved in your mouth instead of sticking around to be chewed.
The blue mint Skittles aren’t bad. They’re chewy, like regular Skittles. And although they taste minty, they don’t really freshen your mouth like a breath mint or those Listerine strips do.
I’ve tried both the Peppermint and the Spearmint and they remind me of Mentos. Is that true for anybody else?
i don’t like them.
i wanted to, since i like skittles and i like mint, but these just didn’t do it for me. it can be summed up as follows:
“too minty to be ‘candy’, and to candy-like to be a true mint”.
i need my mints to be eye-wateringly minty and my candy to be either with said mint-flavour, or not minty at all.
Can someone here post their review of the five flavours? I’m intrigued to know what “wintergreen” would taste like.
I did not taste any wintergrreen in either colour, or flavour. I did not like them at all, since to me the skittles were neither mint, nor candy and a waste of effort.
I’d like to try them-I like mint and I like skittles.
I’ve tried both and like the Peppermint assortment very much. The flavors are like 5 “shades” of peppermint, with some being more minty and others more sweet. This in indicated by 4 shades of blue+white, with white being the mintiest. None of them are Altoids minty which is fine with me. The mildest is approximately Wrigley’s Doublemint strength. The texture is the same as regular Skittles and they come in a neat little box vs. the regular bag o’ skittles.
I didn’t like the spearmint as much, several of the colors reminded me of toothpaste.
There is no wintergreen assortment.
Where did you find them? I’ve got a coupon for buy one get one free but the grocery store and local drug store don’t have them yet.
Our local WaWa right up the street has them.
Here’s a store locator where you can plug in your zip code.