Mis-heard Radio Ad... Wait, WHAT?

I am still half asleep, and have the radio on for background noise. There was just an advertisement from a local jewelry store for some sort of contest they are holding. I wasn’t paying half attention, just browsing the 'Dope and ingesting caffeine and I caught the last line…

What I heard was…

Register now for a $1000 diamond** dick**. :eek:

I have NO idea what they are really giving away, but that would be one hell of a vibrator! :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe it was the book, Diamond Dick, Jr.'s $1000 Bill.

Diamond DIG. I heard it again last night and it’s a diamond DIG. :smack:

They are going to bury a certificate for $1000 in diamond jewelry in a big sand pit. Glad that got cleard up. :stuck_out_tongue:

All the KY in the world wouldn’t smooth the way for a diamond dick.