Apparently, the folks at feel they have enough material in the way of misleading statements, lies and half-truths from the Bush administration to produce anotherwebsite dedicated to nothing but.
It’s a subscription site, but free, and probably worth looking at even with the known bias of the producers. I particularly enjoyed the quote from Bush’s speech in which he said something to the effect of not passing on any problems to future administrations and presidents. How many trillions are we going to be in debt again?
Also, his promises for all Americans who want to work having a job. I believe the site says that we now have the highest unemployment since the Hoover administration.
This is all arguable, I’m sure, and someone will come along to say “how dare they” in a few.
A website is fine, and all. But it would be far more effective to take all this content and e-mail it to and the major Democratic candidates for presidency.
In the end TV commercials with the content come election time is the best bet.
That is as long as Lieberman doesnt get the nomination because plain and simply put… hes a pussy. Im hoping for Kucinich or Dean.
Site is fine. Chances of him being impeached are 1 in 1,000 since hardly any democrats say anything. And Clinton, impeached for lying about sex? Personally, id rather have a lying, intelligent, pimp in office over a lying, killing, cheating, stupid, fundie coke-head. But hey, thats just me.
I’m shocked, shocked that lying is going on in the White House. A President said he was going to achieve full employment, and then was unable to achieve that? Unbelievable.
I think the website is fine, if a bit overblown. It’s certainly a good idea to try and hold politicians to their word. But that’s a bit like trying to keep children from eating candy.
Incidentally, some folks are now predicting a vast shortage of labor following on the heels of the Baby Boomers’ retirement. Obviously, Bush shouldn’t get credit for full employment that way, but then again, I don’t think the unemployment rate is the President’s fault either.