Misogyny, victim-blaming, and the board culture (yet again)

I think what you are saying is that women who leave the board come to this point, throw up their hands, and walk away. That’s the particular response that I think, so much worse for the women.

There are two alternatives, in my opinion. One, you can outlaw the sort of posts in question. Two, you can address the post directly.

The former option is the easy way out, but I think it is contrary to the mission of this place. By all accounts the man in question is ignorant if he argues in good faith while still being demonstrably wrong. The stated purpose of this message board is to fight ignorance, so why would we outlaw ignorant posts? To outlaw ignorant posts because they make people so uncomfortable that they leave the board? I mean, we can do that, it’s within the staff’s rights. But I think to do so would be contrary to the purpose of the board. IMO, of course.

The latter option has the benefit of fighting ignorance, or at least attempting to. The drawback is that it is an endless uphill battle. But, again, fighting ignorance is a never-ending uphill battle. It’s taking longer than we thought.

Just my thoughts.
