Misread thread titles

Darn it, now I can’t look at the title without seeing your version!


Presidental Medal of Madness

Does it matter how much you sign off from email?

On the contrary, such emergencies frequently arise. It’s not unusual to have someone, suddenly and without warning, misuse a word like “literally” or emphatically declare that they “could care less” about something. It’s important in these situations to be able to unleash a surly pedant with a sharp wit to nitpick at these linguistic scofflaws until they see the error of their ways.

**Why Does Vinegar Make Me Swear? **

Yet another “Name That Tuna”

I don’t normally think of pet tunas as a thing, so not sure why I misread it that way!

Can basic dessert and retributivism be justified under Cannibalism?

Sounds like a slippery slope to me.


Has A Government Ever Taken Drastic Measures To Address A Ladder Shortage?

Release the ladders from the Strategic Ladder Reserves!

No more Lego Walls! Enough!

Damn kids.

You have any unconventional medical recipes?

Have another bowl of oleander soup with aconite cheese topping? You’ll never be symptomatic again!

I’m Back from My Vacation WITH TRUMPETS.

Not a typical souvenir, but if the poster is a musician I could imagine that is something one might bring back from vacation.

Not misread per se, but mis-parsed: I keep reading the title Which Single Parenting Decision Makes The Biggest Difference? as referring to decisions about single parenting, rather than single decisions about parenting.

Steaming Advice

I get lots of advice that can be described as a “steaming pile…”

NASA had a good lunch today

Celebrating the return of the all-you-can-eat buffet, no doubt. Space makes me hungry too.

A crumbly jelly MMP

Yes. Since it was first posted, I read it as crumbly.

I keep reading a certain thread as “Can we get rid of ‘r******S’ next?”, and the added “S” makes it seem like a call to action rather than talking about the word.

Question double shit experiment

Is there anything I can do with my in-door trashcans to prevent ants from getting into them?

I didn’t misread it, but the strange way the poster hyphenated “in-door” made me misinterpret it. I took “in-door” to mean “part of the door”, like the OP had trashcans that were literally built into their doors. Of course when I actually read the thread I realized they meant “indoor” as in “inside the house”.