I wonder what the next owner of MY car is gonna think. I have “Hell On Wheels” made to look like a Hot Wheels logo; “You all laugh because I’m different. I laugh because you’re all the same”; and the soon-to-be-cryptic (and already cryptic unless you’re a Dixie Chicks fan) “Earl’s in the trunk”, among others…
My first thought when reading the ones on your car is that somebody else put on the stickers and the middle aged woman was just too stupid to figure out how to remove them.
Maybe it was a guy with long hair, who you thought looked like a woman… i saw a comercial where that happened, it was for some car, not an accord though
Nope. It was definitely a woman. I passed her on the parkway just to see what the driver looked like. As for my OP, usually when I see a car with lots of stickers, there’s usually a theme: favorite music groups; pro-something; anti-something; places the owner has been to, and so forth. BTW, the only sticker I have on my car is a MST3K globe on the side vent window. I’m not much on publicly displaying my opinions.
I got behind an SUV that had a gold cross(as in Christian) and an orange “T”(as in Tennessee) on the back window. Both stickers were about 10" high. They looked eerily similar. I have several theories:
racinchikki- I got behind a car with “Earl’s in the trunk” sticker on the back. I almost drove off the road trying to figure it out. I feel better now.
My sister has the “Stupidity should be painful” bumper sticker…and a slew of other decorative decals on her car:
NY Yankees Bumper sticker
Blink 182 window sticker on the top center of the rear windshield
frosted rose in each behind-the-rear-door-windows windows
(What are those little windows called, anyway?)
NYS Emergency Medical Technician window sticker in each of the aforementioned rear-rear windows
“Save a life. Donate blood. I did.” sticker on the interior ceiling above the rear-view mirror. (with three of the blood drop pins next to it
some other sticker (I think EMT-related) on the ceiling by the blood donor one, the content/subject of which escapes me for the moment.
(And, of course, her stethoscope hanging from the rear view mirror so she can’t forget to take it to work with her)
My favorite of the bunch is the Stupidity one…followed by the blood donor. Damnit, I told her about that blood drive but I got stuck at work and couldn’t get there in time to donate.
So as not to make a total thread hijack, I could point out the humorous mix that as an EMT she thinks stupidity should be painful, but is on call to take you to the hospital to get the damage fixed.
I saw one yesterday on my lunch break that read “keep honking, I am still reloading”
it was a blackoutline, with clear-cut centers, and the truck was red, so it looked especially nice with the red-letters
This happened to my aunt, and I think it is hilarious.
She got behind a car that had a “Honk if you Love Jesus” sticker on the back of it. My aunt, being the religious type, gave her a quick “toot-toot” with the horn and a friendly wave.
The lady with the Jesus bumper sticker prompty stuck up her middle finger at my aunt.
I’ve seen this seen this times and it never fails to give me a chuckle: the car or truck with a sticker advertising a bar (often Papas & Beer in Ensenada) AND a D.A.R.E. sticker.