Mjollnir finds "Felch," the town

In Dickinson County, there are communities named “Felch” and “Felch Mountain?”

I saw this factoid mentioned on “another board,” and ran to an atlas to verify.

(Well, I didn’t run. I have one handy at all times.)

I didn’t know that, as I am one of those Michigan LP trolls who lives near places like Climaxx and Hell.

And for those of who don’t know, UPers call LPers “trolls” because they live “beneath da bridge.” Not quite the same troll meaning as we enjoy here on SDMB.

UP= upper peninsula
LP= lower peninsula

Look at a map, you’ll see what I mean.

I just checked the Michigan map on my wall. There it is. I am stunned.
Note to self: NEVER attend that community’s summer festival. And we won’t even talk about the Miss Felch Pageant.

Yup, I knew that. I’m now kicking myself for not bringing that up in one of the Felching threads.

There’s also a Gay, MI. Guess what the local bar is called?

Okay. That’s it.

The next Michigan Dopefest MUST be in Felch. On principal. I swear to the Goddess, I will drive there. Either there or at Milo’s house, and we’ll make a Doper Road Trip, to get our pictures taken next to the signs.

Hell yes! Maybe my tent can actually be used by adults!!!

Felch is near Iron Mountain, so you can probably get some Northern Wisconsin-ites to meet you there. I might even drive up from Chicago.

You should ask the mods to change the title of this thread to “Mjollnir finds Felch, the town!” or something.

I think a lot of people who would get a kick out of it are missing it, because they think the topic is some local Yooper thing that wouldn’t interest them.

Persephone - Iron Mountain is a haul even from me. Beautiful drive though, particularly in fall color season. All the way across the U.P. I had a girlfriend I visited up there once long ago. Actually, she lived across the border in Spread Eagle, Wisconsin.

What’s with these names? I guess pioneer life was more interesting than I perhaps imagined.

There once was a Girl from Spread Eagle…

Wait, you can’t have the punch line in the first line of the limerick, now, can you…?

There once was a gal from Spread Eagle
Whose grip was quite tight, from her koegels
She moved on to Felch
Her love life it squelched
And now she couldn’t woo beagles

(Not bad for 30 seconds of consideration. Well, actually, I guess it is.)

If you’re referring to the exercises, Milo dear, it’s “kegels.” “Koegels” (pronounced co-gels) just so happens to be the brand of hot dog I served you guys Saturday night.

Oh, wait. I guess either one would work, wouldn’t it?

Thread retitled at request of Mjollnir. The persuasion of the hammer is amazing.

If you frozen Dopers meet in Felch, the DC Dopers have just got to meet in Skagsville (just north of the beltway).

I also move that the Philly Dopefest be moved to Intercourse, Pa.

I’d like to point out that I live near Skaggsville, thnk you. And the owner of my current firm lives there. THAT should have been a tipoff…

I think we’ve found the name for the next Dopefest:

Yep. Can you just see that on one of Baglady’s buttons?

There once was a gal from Spread Eagle,
who traded her hampsters for beagles;
While felching the wretch,
lack sufficient stretch,
and now practices anal style kegels.

Milossarian started it!

…but I don’t mind giving credit where credit is due.

This has already been discovered by 2nd Law.


It’s about half way down the first page, complete with a link to a map.

You people are actually pleased and excited about this.


I wanna see pictures from this future dopefest…graphic pictures

I’ve just spent the last 1/2 hour searching for the pics. I saw last year of some guy who when he found out about the town of Felch he went there and got pics of himself all around the town . No luck I’m afraid :frowning:

I did however find the Felch Family History and Genealogy site.

From that site .

No shit Sherlock . :smiley: