Modern Family, November 13, 2013 -- "A Fair To Remember"

So, what did everyone think of last night’s episode?

Meh. A few decent lines. Not up to their standards

Jeez, who was the singer who played the singing dentist? Kicked ass on Foreigner…

Not a major (or even a minor) plot point, but I thought he was a pharmacist.

I’m sure you’re right. Ignorance fought!!!

I just don’t think that the show is as well written as it used to be, but man they aren’t even trying to be subtle with dangling Sarah Hyland in skimpy outfits are they?

I still find it fairly amusing, but you are right about the writing slipping down a notch or two in quality. Not much subtlety in the Sarah Hyland scenes, but I appreciated the visual!

Lilly was the best thing in this episode.

As usual.

I still like the show, too. Does anyone else find Luke’s growth spurt disconcerting? At first I wondered if they had changed actors, but he just really sprung up in the off season.

It was kind of a mess, especially the bit with Cam. If some dad comes up to a coach at a community event, bitches about the team, does the coach round up the team (who were surprisingly all at the fair) and give them a pep talk? The writers must have been straining to find something for Cam to do.

The fair itself was odd. It was too small to be a county fair and too big to be a neighborhood fair.

Yes! I’ve been watching mostly the repeats, and was really shocked.

Wasn’t it the school fair?

Probably. But what was the elderly woman doing entering the cake contest? My notion of a school fair is an event to show off/promote the students’ achievements.

I’m guessing that was just there as the joke setup. It wouldn’t be hard to fan wank that.

I actually really enjoyed last night’s episode but I’m happy to see Adam Devine and Jordan Peele do anything. I liked the buddy-cop storyline with Jay and Peele’s character - including the cheesy saxaphone soundtrack at the end.

Sometimes schools run carnivals/fairs as fundraisers - note they had rides. That would explain the “arrest your spouse for 10 minutes” booth too.

I really liked Jay with the other guy through the whole episode, especially the Lethal Weapon ending. But I always like Jay. And his final line “We’re not that close” was great.

Maybe it is my imagination, but Jay (Ed O’Neill) didn’t look all that healthy in this episode…the guy seems to have aged 10 years since last season. Hope he is doing better than he looks.

The episode was “meh”…and nobody had any really great zingers, nor were there any great surprises in the story lines.

Maybe she’s a teacher?

Manny looked weird at the end too, wearing his football blouse (as I’m sure he’d call it), like he was suddenly in better shape or something. Makes me think wardrobe might be covering for body changes he may be going through.

I think it was someone named Rick Cowling who was in a couple of bands in the 70s.

He was good, wasn’t he? I actually put the iPad down and listened.