Monkey bites officer on traffic stop.

And I think we all know how painful that can be. [/DL]

Seriously, I know the kid has only been a cop for a while, but I’ll be damned if you let some wild animal in your car attack mewith no consequences. Chilled monkey brains comes to mind…

Maybe he doesn’t have rabies. Maybe he doesn’t have one of any number of transmissable diseases, but he sure as hell ain’t going home with pop after sinking his teeth in my heretofore unperforated skin and flesh, and I sure as hell wouldn’t be laughing about it.

Trunk monkeynot good enough anymore?


I’m surprised the monkey is not now dead.

God knows what sort of awful diseases it picked up from biting that cop though.

Any officer of the law should know to ask “Does your münkey bite?”


I wonder if he slapped that monkey’s paw.

“Zat is not my münkey!”

Mind you, monkey bites can be pretty nasty…

A monkey bit my sister once!

But, did he have a lee-sance for ze munkey?