Monthly Photo Competition #6 - May 2023 - “Flowers”

This is the monthly thread for May 2023. The topic this month is “Flowers”, chosen by @snowthx

Please note:

  1. The general rules for the competition are here.

  2. One entry per person per month. To make the photos easier to review (and to make the voting poll easier to compile) please only post once to this thread, with your entry. Your post can include a caption with whatever info you want to give.

  3. Please keep all discussion in the rolling discussion thread.

  4. Once the submission deadline has passed, I’ll put a voting poll in this thread.


Submission deadline: 9pm UK time on Friday 19th May

Voting deadline: 9pm UK time on Wednesday 24th May

NB: The submission window is a little bit truncated this month due to me being away at the end of May.

Good luck!

First! This is of a rose from our Oregon garden, taken right after a rain shower.

I took this photo back in 2010. I liked the contrast between the flower itself and the stalks or whatever they’re called sitting behind it, and the little tufts of pollen. (click through for visual details)

I literally just took this picture yesterday, on a hike in South Yuba River State Park in California.


Sarracenia blossom and leaf in my front yard

My lovely bleeding hearts. I miss them so much. They grew on the back of my lot, under trees since they grow in shade. My behind me neighbor decided he needed to poison the soil along our shared chain link fence to later put his shed there. One day they looked like this, the next day they were shriveled and dead.


A rose is a rose is a rose…


St. James’s Park a couple weeks ago. The Brits really know how to get their garden on. Click for full size photo.


I had another photo in mind for this thread, but a couple of days ago I came across these hanging poppies by happenstance on (another) bike tour on a Capitola, CA roadside and stopped to enjoy them…


There’s a footpath along a disused railway line, very close to where I live in Edinburgh, Scotland. Out for an evening stroll, I spotted this. It was a few years ago, and I always carried my pocket Panasonic camera, and I was amazed what you could do with such a small piece of kit. Nowadays, it just would have been my phone - doubtless with similar results. When you think what it would have taken to get that depth of field and detail in the old days.


Hummingbird zeroing in on its nectar run

Purple coneflowers (plus a bumblebee), Summer 2022, Maryland:


Our pasture is awash in flowers, and I thought I might get some good shots of them, but instead, the geodesic-dome structure of this dandelion really caught my eye:

California groundcone. Parasitic on madrone roots.




If I could paint artistically, there would be so many different compositions of these roses done in oils
