Monty Python reunion,,20757310,00.html

Much as I love the group, I dunno… they’re all pretty old now, and of course Graham Chapman has long since shuffled off this mortal coil. I was underwhelmed by Spamalot. Can they really catch lightning in a bottle a second time? Will whatever they do now almost invariably not hold up to comparisons with their earlier work?

I hate to sound defeatist, but it might just be best for them not to try.

What say you?

Wait, Terry Jones wrote Labyrinth?

How the fuck did I not already know that?

I have a feeling it’s going to turn into a redoing of their City Center show, which had its own problems - mainly, everybody was already familiar with their sketches, and what invariably happened was, the crowd went crazy when they realized what bit they were doing, then they sat through it, then the whole thing pretty much collapsed and the crowd went wild again.

It shouldn’t be just Python (besides, they’re going to need additional bodies on stage to do the Lumberjack Song properly); it should be more along the lines of the Secret Policeman’s Ball shows. Besides - without Graham, it won’t work as well.

Oh well - it could be worse; somebody could try to film a remake of Monty Python & the Holy Grail (but this time, there would be a bonus scene after the closing credits - also, there would be closing credits - where they find the Grail at Harrod’s, because “everybody knows you can find anything at Harrod’s.”

The lads are getting back together!
Last chance to see Monty Python Live!
Aw, c’mon, let 'em have some fun.

I had gotten the idea that the major bump in the road towards a MP reunion was Cleese. Maybe he got another divorce and needs to pay more alimony?

I don’t care if it is mediocre at best, it would still be fun to see them perform again.

Is that a current photo? They don’t look bad for their age.

I’d really be interested in seeing them come up with some new material. You know, something completely different.

I guess Cleese & Idle have patched up their differences.

:: rimshot ::

I’m a bit surprised. Last I had heard Michael Palin didn’t want to do another “Python” project, because Graham wouldn’t be there.

They look pretty craggy in this clip, and worse, Cleese really sounds like an old man. I wonder if he can still do his stage voices.

New article. Carol Cleveland is rejoining them. I hope they can put together a good show. Fans have waited a long time for this moment.

They KNOW they’re old. They KNOW what the audience will do if they trot out the old stuff. Dare we hope for utter shining brilliance? Or did Eric just tell them they’ll make a lot of money no matter what crap they put on stage?

You were blinded by Bowie’s codpiece and couldn’t see the credits?

ducks and runs

An entirely reasonable explanation.

The Monty Python Live website is up and pretty funny in itself. I love the tagline.

Somehow I interpreted this to mean that the whole thing is a stunt to promote Cleese’s election campaign to be an MP.

Hee hee. I’ve always loved the way they handled Chapman’s death. Cleese’s eulogy was outstanding.

Obviously someone wants to see them on stage:

I don’t think I could take seeing Carol again, knowing how smoking hot she was back in the '60s and '70s. I feel the same way about Felicity Kendall, Joanna Lumley, Charlene Tilton…

I say this as someone who is also no spring chicken. Growing old is such a drag! :mad: