Justice: Let’s fingerprint all Middle Eastern visitors
"Jihad" – The Fight Over Meaning
Well, ottto, that certainly quenched my thirst for ignorance, bigotry and downright stupidity.
Justice: Let’s fingerprint all Middle Eastern visitors
"Jihad" – The Fight Over Meaning
Well, ottto, that certainly quenched my thirst for ignorance, bigotry and downright stupidity.
Words fail me.
Yeah otto is an ass. However he is also very new so let us cut him a little lack with his asinine comments.
c’mon folks, i suggested we send him to east belfast on a fact-finding mission… one of the facts he’d hopefully find out would be how much it hurts when you’re knee-capped by loyalists.
i’ll propose that again,
followed by a little trip to recuperate in the sunny gulf states…where he can explain his reasoning behind the above posts to lots and LOTS of nice arabs.
passing round the hat here…it’s a very good cause!
it has a nice ring to it!
Am I the only one who thinks those comments, while somewhat reactionary, are rather less than beyond the pale? Actually, I quite agree that:[ul][]Killing al Qaeda is, right now, more important than understanding them.[]Fingerprinting visitors who fit the terrorist profile is a reasonable means of helping to secure our borders from terrorist attack.A certain number of nut cases think “jihad” is Allah’s command to kill.[/ul]I’ve seen ottto make some pretty stupid statements in his short time here, but the ones in the OP aren’t all that unreasonable.
Has ottto ever even shown up to the parties we throw for him?
Otto is pretty cool.
Ottto is a complete and total asshat.
K now that makes sense.
Typo, sorry Otto
'Tis okay.
Just trying to avoid confusion.
Goddamn it, when do I get my pit thread?
You get a Pit thread the old-fashioned way: you earn it. That’s how I got mine (though I didn’t know at the time that I was doing it).
Guin, kudos for standing up for Otto–who, I agree, is pretty cool. And your assessment of the other (he-who-should-not-be-named) is spot-on, too. If my ID were not sufficiently different, I’d probably have to take notice. Or offense. Or something.
I had to do a doubletake when I saw Ottto’s first posts… I thought Otto, who I have read and thought was a good egg. had gone mad. Thankfully I was wrong.
First off, I demand to be personally invited to all meetings of the Ottto fan-club. And many of you are late with membership dues.
I love it when Leftists resort to their Holy Cow of arguments: The Race Card. Since you do not actually have counter-arguments, you surrender to that bastion of the modern left, and cry ‘Racist!’.
Yes, I advocate killing every single terrorist AND every single person who supports terrorism. What is wrong with that? That goes for white christian terrorists, peruvian maoist terrorists, Saudi muslim terrorists, I care not. Targeting noncombatants is beyond deplorable, and should earn you a one-way trip to hell, pronto. It should NOT earn you a seat at the negotiation table, you fools.
Let me guess, the bleeding hearts in my fanclub would rather ‘talk’ to them? Get to ‘understand’ them? As if though it was all just a great big misunderstanding, and all we need to do is have a heart to heart. Get a fucking clue.
As for people blathering on about the ‘Loyalists’ and the IRA and whatnot: I DO NOT GIVE A DAMN. If you target innocent people, you are a terrorist. It matter not if what flavor of the Bible you read.
I see that this ‘Otto’ is most likely a communist or similiar, if you folks like him. I will get a new moniker, post haste. I would hate to be confused with him.
No, Otto is a rational man with a quick temper and IIRC a more-or-less libertarian political stance (although I do recall him as being in favor of ENDA and other hate-crimes-targeting laws, understandable since he is himself gay).
I do not like persons who resort to terrorism, myself. I am not so quick as you to condemn every single one of them, without any discussion, to death. (If you’ll recall, the original news from September 1, 1939, was that World War II broke out when Polish commandoes took over a German radio station. In point of fact, it was German auxiliaries disguised as Polish troops who did the attack in order to provide Hitler with a pretext. I do not wish to invoke Godwin’s Law here, but cite this instance to give you a clear-cut case that everyone whom someone claims is a “terrorist” may not in fact be one.)
Almost nobody here is a knee-jerk liberal or a knee-jerk conservative, but a person who has formed their political stance through application of their own moral code to their understanding of the political sphere after some serious study into what’s happening.
The handful of posts I’ve seen from you indicate a tendency to jump to a conclusion on apparently inadequate data. There are times when this is essential to survival, but posting on an Internet message board is generally not one of those times.
Well, I am certainly glad to see that we have your blessing to rain nukes down on the whole of the former Yugoslavia.
I by no means ever remember advocating genocide. Just killing the terrorists & their good friends.
But here in my magical fan club, you can interpret anything I say to mean anything you want. That is part of the magic, you know.
After paying a visit to GD, I had to come to the Pit to see the newest installment in the “Ottto is an ass” thread. The fact that it was here and active renewed my faith in this board. My favorite of his recent contributions was the racist “humorous quiz” on the “Let’s fingerprint Middle Easterners” thread.
Well, there goes my idea for a remake of Force 10 From Navarone.
Could that be Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana?
Hmmm… :rolleyes: