More than one little fart on the scene of latest Tom Cruise movie

Yes, it was an example of locker room behavior, but this line is a hoot:

What are you gonna do, Tom? See if anybody has a sudden episode of poofy-trou? :stuck_out_tongue:

Full article here.

It was me. Sorry. I had burritos for lunch that day.

Seriously, how do they think they’re going to identify the culprit from film footage? This whole story sounds like a Family Guy gag (“This reminds me of the time I was an extra in that Tom Cruise movie”).

The silence was filmed? Nice trick.

“…identify the culprit, who is likely to be fired.”

Gee, that stinks.

Tom Cruise also seemed pretty upset when Dustin “The Wind” Hoffman let one fly when they were in a phone booth together. I think there are some deep-rooted anger issues there.

Tom Cruise is a joke.

Everyone sing along

Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise crazy
Just be glad it’s him not you
If you had Tom Cruise’s troubles
You might be Tom Cruise crazy too

The Church of Scientology does not believe in singing.

Except for Beck, since they’re trying to appeal to the Southpark audience.

Okay, first of all, perhaps whoever did it really couldn’t help it. They’re in Germany, for crying out loud. Perhaps someone couldn’t digest the food, and it was entirely involuntary. So an embarrassing moment becomes a fireable offense? Who’s the Nazi here?

Second of all, he’s going to track down the culprit? With a straight face, he’s gonna do that? I suppose going through the footage might uncover the sight of people stepping back from another person, but failing that, what’s he gonna do, line everyone up and interrogate them? He has truly gone round the bend.

I fart in your general direction, Tom cruise!

Was the toot audible, or an SBD? If the latter, Cruise really has nothing to complain about. At least the culprit maintained the moment of silence.

Reading the linked article, it seems to me that filming the moment of silence turns it into a publicity/promotional stunt and moves it away from a respectful tribute. It would make it more understandable why Tom was so upset if his promo got fragged by a fart.

Goddammit, quit gassin’ the Germans.

Good lord. Are there actual hollywood execs out there trying to figure out who farted? This is a classic example of someone taking themselves far too seriously. It would have been a little anecdote quickly forgotten except for L Tom. Remember, he knows more about farts than you do.

And yes, they’re going to analyze the film to determine which way the wind blew…
“Here in frame 42 the fart strikes Governor Connally …”

Will they be using such legal precedents as “Dealt it v. Smelt it” or “Denied v. Supplied?”

Well, a few German beers will make you gassy. I just really wish i could see Tom looking at footage trying to figure out who farted, though. If he pulls that off it’ll push the boundaries of forensic science. :rolleyes:

Ah yes, the Zapooter Film.

This is the country that brought us *Handkäse mit Musik*, after all.

Back and to the left. Back and to the left.

So on top of all the old gay rumors, Tom Cruise is now anal retentive as well? I guess that helps to settle one question…

I’m sure they’ll figure it out eventually – “Ve haff vays to make you talk” and all that. And yep, Cruise & co.'s sanctimonious P.R. line sounds like a lot of hot air.

Does this mean the caterers won’t be serving sauerkraut?

Someone else said this on Fark, but I had to repeat it here.

“I am Fartacus”

I am Fartacus”