I don’t know how Cecil feels about religious discussions, but I’ll ask anyway. What’s the deal with all the slack the Mormons get for being different? I have a Mormon co-worker and she seems to be pretty normal and outgoing. I 've heard tons of horror stories about how they baptize eachother in Lucifer’s name and how they believe they will one day be gods of their own planet. If I remember correctly, they also believe that God came down to earth and had sex with the Virgin Mary which caused her to give birth to JC. They also believe that Joseph Smith was a real prophet, but in the bible it says no man will ever come back until judgement day.
I havent heard any stories about mormons baptising each other in the name of lucifer or that they’re promised to be kings of their own planets after they die. From what I understand, mormons take a lot of heat for their historical acceptance of polygamy. A mormon i know assures me that this is no longer the case, however. Just because brigham young had 19 wives or whatever doesnt mean that mormons today have 19 wives (except for extreme nutcase scenarios which are not approved by the church).
Most of what i understand mormons to believe makes as much sense as other religions, which is not much. they expanded on christianity in a pretty similar way that christians expanded on judaism, which means they added a bunch of stuff based on a guy that they’re pretty reasonably sure did at least some of the things they said he did, and then promptly proclaimed that their own religion was the only true one and everyone else is going to hell.
By the way, this is my first post. Everyone say “awwwww”
Post-mormon (no longer a member) here, but I can give you some of the “straight dope.”
Mormons baptize “in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.” Lucifer is not mentioned.
For many years, Mormons had a saying: “As Man is, God once was, as God is, Man may become,” or something close to that. Yes, they believe you can become the God of your own world, if you are a worthy Mormon and have participated in all the church rituals and are married in a Mormon Temple ceremony.
God came down and had sex with the Virgin Mary? That’s a distortion of an ca. 1860s Brigham Young sermon where he said:
And yes, they believe Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, as all the presidents of the church since Smith are. The current “prophet” is Gordon B. Hinkley, recognized by Mormons as their “prophet, seer, and revelator.”
I can tell you all you need to know about the Mormons.
A couple of years ago two Mormons came to my place and asked to come in for a chat. As I was doing nothing I let them in. They began to talk about life in general and touched on their religous beliefs, left me a book of Mormon with a reading assignment and made an appointment for next week.
They kept coming back and told me more about their beliefs and invited me to go to dinner with a local Mormon family. The night for dinner fell through due to a family illness so the American Elders bought pizza.
As it happened, over the course of the time they visited, it became apparent that I couldn’t accept their beliefs. I finally pointed out to them that my requests to receive faith had gone unanswered and I doubted some of the tenets of their church. They admitted defeat.
So do you know what these 2 bastards did? They helped me move house the next weekend. And one of them lent me some CDs so I could hear some new music. They’re evil man.