Mosier put up or shut up

Come on Mosier, let’s see these threads where you think I’ve had my argument refuted in 5 posts. Or threads where they’ve been refuted full stop.

If that’s the case then let’s see it, it can be a learning opportunity for me. :slight_smile:

I, too, was once touched in an inappropriate place by a link.

Go search your name; you’ve just described pretty much all of them.

Hehe, funny you should turn up on this thread. I would have to say that you are:

a) incapable of debating a subject without making hysterical emotional appeals;

b) struggle to comprehend/address empirical data that contradicts your ideology.

What the fuck are you talking about, dipshit?

Link up, or shut the fuck up.

I refute you thusly; <kicks a rock which falls onto Chen019>

Boomerang pitting 101

Here’s the link handsome.

Right into your nutsack. Ouch!

“You are struggle to comprehend/address”… boy, what kind of gibberish talk are you laying on us?


Stones, beards, packets o’ gravel, get 'em while they last . . .

The left's massively dishonest criticism of Obama - Politics & Elections - Straight Dope Message Board - a hyperconservative nobody, used by you as a primary source, exposed in the first five posts.

Rick Perry's Texas Job Miracle - Politics & Elections - Straight Dope Message Board - a hyperconservative nobody, used by you as a primary source, exposed in the first five posts.

Southern Europe: Beyond a Demographic Point of No Return - Miscellaneous and Personal Stuff I Must Share - Straight Dope Message Board - a hyperconservative nobody, used by you as a primary source, predicts immigration will destroy europe’s economy, and is subsequently immediately closed by a moderator for lack of original thought.

Are environmentalists cowards on immigration? - Great Debates - Straight Dope Message Board - a hyperconservative anti-immigration group of nobodies used by you as a primary source claims environmentalists are dishonest for allowing immigration. First reply points out there is no such link, and the fifth post shows just how incredibly biased and unreliable the source is.

Census shows whites lose US majority among babies - Miscellaneous and Personal Stuff I Must Share - Straight Dope Message Board - you point out white babies have lost the majority. Not even one person cares enough to respond. Admittedly, your goofy implications defeated your own argument without help from us, but I think it counts.

California and Zimbabwe - The BBQ Pit - Straight Dope Message Board - hysterical shrieking about how California is the new Zimbabwe (because of Mexican immigration. Yes, really.) exposed for the bullshit it is twice in the first five posts. Strangely, nobody pointed out how ridiculous the hyperconservative nobody you quoted as a primary source was.

Immigrants who enter the country illegally and the costs they impose - Great Debates - Straight Dope Message Board - immigrants destroy the economy, except when your own source points out they are a net economic benefit, as quoted in the 5th reply.

I’m tired. That’s all just on the first page of results from searching for threads started by you. You are a one trick pony, who only ventures from the safety of hysterical anti-immigration arguments for the occasional stab at environmentalists.

That said, I was probably out of line to point it out in the Elections thread that got moved to Great Debates. It was a cheap shot that doesn’t belong in that forum, and you were right to bring it here.

Two flats and a sharp please.

That’s the cool thing about Chen. He sort of self-refutes, not the least of which when he tries his hand at the Jedi Cite Trick and quotes something that doesn’t say, or even directly contradicts, what he was quoting it to prove. Very handy.

Well, if s/he actually had a clue as to what constitutes evidence, s/he would have known enough not to start this thread in the first place.

Wow. Mosier has proven that you are an idiot in one fell swoop.


Well, at least he’s tidier than most troglodytes.

Chen is still here? Who woulda thunk!

Fail Mosier! If you read the thread I also cited Paul Krugman who made the same argument as the “hyperconservative nobody” about Rick Perry’s bogus Texas job miracle.

Less haste, more attention to detail before you make your copy and paste comments. Let’s see whether you’ve done a better job on the other threads…