A posting in the “Things people do that bug you” by goboy about men who don’t trim nose and ear hair set me to wondering what people consider the most unattractive physical traits in people.
For me, they’d have to be:
Bad breath. There’s little worse than trying to kiss someone with stinky breath.
Leathery-looking suntans. Some tanning is ok, but when people start looking like they were deep-fried, that’s gross.
Ribs poking out in bizarre places. There’s nothing quite as repugnant as seeing a woman in a low-cut top who has her ribs showing between her breasts. Uuughh… that makes me queasy…
Fess up people, there have to be things which disgust you!
Number one…got to be yucky teeth. I mean if you can’t brush your teeth and they look like violets would grow in there what must the condition of your ass be like? How hard is it to see the scum on your teeth and not do anything about it?
Number two…tattoos, not one or two well placed but a virtual sea of inked up flesh. Gross!
Number three…general cleanliness, very important.
Otherwise if you have a warm and winning nature it would be hard for me to find you ugly even if you actually looked like your family should be living under a bridge.
From a woman’s POV, I would say our most unattractive trait is fingernails that aren’t well taken care of. I don’t mean spending $50 a week for a professional. I mean keeping them clean, well trimmed, and with at least a clear coat of polish. (I don’t like color polish, therefore I don’t use it.) For a man, IMHO, the most unattractive trait is his feet. Some men, for reasons that escape me, tend to think they don’t have to maintain their feet. That’s bull. Clip your damn toenails!! I’m sick of getting STABBED by those things!!! Geez… And a little moisturizer wouldn’t hurt either. Damn.
Eve, at first I thought about posting exactly what you did. Then I realised the first thing on this kid’s list is “eye damage resulting from boating accidents.” I think I am entirely justified in saying :wally !
Oh yeah… and while I’m at it, one thing which ALWAYS grosses me out, is when people leave their nasty cuts & scabs all uncovered & oozing long after the initial injury.
As if we want to see their funky scabs & open wounds!
It’s not a “physical” trait, but I have to share it. I really hate when a woman has a foul mouth. I can handle a woman swearing once in a great while, and men swearing doesn’t seem to bother me, but profanity from a woman is just unattractive to me.
Physical: Probably the “unclean” look. Dirty shirt, stringy hair, even if they don’t stink, I’m thinking “trailer trash”.
The worst are those women who are missing teeth, are butt-ugly, and look like they’ve combed their hair with an egg beater, but they flirt and act sexy anyway. Makes me cringe… aaahck!!! :eek:
Really long spiky nose hairs. I wanna reach up there and just pull! But I probably wouldn’t be able to get a good grip.
I have a bump on my face near the corner of my mouth. Doc said not to remove it, the scar would be worse. (Humphf, it’s not on his face.)
I’m used to it, but every once in awhile a thick white hair will grow right in the middle of this bump! It’s like overnight, the hair is an inch long. And I’m thinking, why don’t my friends tell me about this hair?
So part of my beauty (cough cough) routine now is checking the bump to see if the hair has come back.
See what you guys have to look forward to when you get old?
My teeth aren’t [it]perfect* (I have a crown) but jeez…when people are entirely missing major teeth (like the FRONT ones), I’m grossed out. I had my front tooth knocked out nine years ago, I am getting my crown replaced this fall (costs a pretty penny). I know insurance covers crowns so get that bad boy filled in, or save up the $600. Please. For the love of God.
Large hairy moles: echhh just pick the hair. The mole I can understand, but the hair is scary.
Gnarly toes, esp. on men: If I can clip and paint my toenails once a week, a guy can clip his once a month. I’ve had boyfriends who dove down there once a year. I would get scratches on my legs. Ugh.
Crossed-eyes: This is not really unattractive to me, I just don’t know where to look, which causes fear, which leads to me being freaked out.
Women with leg stubble: I mean, if you don’t wanna shave, don’t, but don’t wear shorts or skirts either.