Mother Fuck Cecil Adams!!!!!

Show your face bitch. Are you scared to show your face. Come on Cecil Adams show us your damn face we all want to see it. Ya damn coward. Step up to the plate man. :mad:

Be a real man and show your face!

I’ve had a bad day today.

And so getting banned over a nonsensical post seems like a good idea to you?


Go away.



Yeah, nobody’s ever done this before. You are the first. Congratulations are in order you clever, clever bastard. :rolleyes:

Mother Fuck Cecil Adams!!!

Shocking! Does Mrs. Adams know what Cecil and your mom have been up to?

I read this post before anyone replied and it scared me so I hit my back button and took cover, figured it best left for the “clean-up crew”

I thought this was the pit. Why would I get banned for this? Isn’t this the right forum? I am pitting Cecil for not showing us his face. I thought I could rant about this if I wanted to.

We wanna see your face!

We wanna see your face! Brother clayton we need to see your face (chapelle reference)

It’s hard to show you’re face when you don’t exist.

Well…uhhh…technically. Hmmm. I guess you can pit anyone you want. However, calling the master a Bitch is not really a good way to make your debut.

Well there’s two rules you might be running afoul of.


Either you’re joking and being an idiot or you’re just here to bitch for no good reason. Given that your status is “Guest” I doubt you have a posting history that would exempt you from the second rule.

Of course I’m in no way shape or form a mod.

In all fairness, your entire head seems to be obscured by what appears to be a buttock. Can’t really expect Cecil to do what you won’t now, can you?

Man I’ve been here since 1999, just a lurker. And did not have they money to buy a subscription. But I read everyday buddy.

Ah, the parsing…

“Mother, fuck Cecil Adams!” (desire for yet one more among the Teeming Millions)
“Mother, fuck Cecil Adams!” (assessment of irrelevance of Adams)
“Mother Fuck, Cecil Adams.” (an introduction of The Perfect Master to someone creatively-named)
“Mother Fuck Cecil Adams!” (band name!)
“Cecil Adams: ‘I AM MASTURBATING LIKE A MOTHERFUCK!!!111’” (Film at 11)
“Mother Fuck! Cecil Adams!” (Is it really You?)
“Mother Fuck! Cecil Adams!” (and darnit all to heck, by gum!)

…'s all I got.

You should know then that wanky stupid threads like this go down like a bucket of cold sick.

No mortal can see his face and live, for his countenance shineth like unto the glory of a trillion suns!

errr and you being a longtime lurker somehow changes this thread how?

no no you guys have it all wrong i am not being a jerk. I am just pitting Cecil for not showing his face. I don’t have a problem with the staff or the boards just pitting Cecil for his inability to show his face. I’ve been reading these boards for about 5 years and its the best message board on the net. All of you guys give great insight.

I am only a guest because I cannot afford the membership but soon I will be able to afford one.

Yea? Then who’s that behind the curtain?

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi…