So, after a lovely night of watching crappy movies at a friend’s house, me and my friend decided to depart, as we both worked in the morning and were getting tired. We walk back to the car at Princeton & Bacon in the Excelsior neighborhood of San Francisco, and as I go to open the passenger side door for my friend, I notice I have no window.
The dashboard is ripped up and trashed, and I’m thinking, “Goodbye Aiwa mp3 CD player and new Lewis Black CD.” As …
You know what, fuck writing a coherent post. So, my CD player is still functional and intact, all my insurance and registration info is safe, and the handicapped placard in my glove box* is still in the glove compartment. But the dashboard was completely ripped up, the glove compartment was opened up, and my cell phone (why the fuck didn’t I get it when I remembered I left it in the car?!) and CD spool were gone. Plus the smashed passenger window. Not only was my car broken into by some fucking low motherfuckers, but they were fucking stupid low motherfuckers. Right now I want to go to Trad’r Sam’s, let Freddy get me absolutely shitfaced, and then get a bunch of giant Asian fucking gangtas from the Richmond and kick some motherfucking ass.
I guess, all in all, I made out OK… I still have my stereo, and a lot of the phone numbers I can retreive from either friends or T-Mobile’s billing site. I’m pissed about the CDs, too… Because my computer’s been dead, I haven’t been able to burn any mp3 CDs for the car, so I started keeping a bunch of my original CDs to the car to play. Normally, I’d say, oh, well, at least I have the mp3s ripped in iTunes, but fucking no, my HD had to fucking fry itself, so goodbye Organic Junk Fude, Tom Petty, Blues Traveler, Fleetwood Mac, and everything else I remotely fucking cared about.
*-Yes, it’s legal, and I only use it when appropriate.
OK, FTR, I’m (probably pretty obviously) fucked up… upon getting back to Ange’s, I took a couple of shots… and whatever else would bring me down from the feeling of wanting to beat the absolute everlasting shit out of an undefined someone or something.