Movie about mentally challenged young man in a relationship

Hi a few years ago I watched a movie about a guy who is mentally challenged. He worked at the YMCA or something. A girl claimed he got a dirty letter from him even though he didn’t understand the language in the letter. He later went to some kind of institution where he meets a woman and they have a relationship. She wants a child but they eventually decide not to. They live together.

Anyone know what it’s called?

I found it on IMDB. I used the plot keyword “retardation”.

“The Life of John Clay”?

Seriously inappropriate and not terribly funny.

Warning issued.

twickster, Cafe Society moderator

That sounds interesting; I think I’ll check it out. At first I thought you were talking about an indie film made about 15 years ago. I can’t remember the name, but it was more of a dark comedy than a serious film. The title was one word, and I think it was the girl’s name. The plot involved a dingy Valley Girl-type who was attracted to a mentally-challenged man, despite the ridicule of her peers. It had a lot of beach scenes, so it was probably set in SoCal.


Yep, that’s the one.

Don’t see that much anymore. :slight_smile:

From the title of the thread I was going to guess Benny & Joon but I was way off.

My sister and I watched that on TV when it first came out and we were little kids. It was such an awful film. We make fun of it to this day.

No. It’s Mrs. Bugs Bunny.

Adam, perhaps?

I apolgize. JC knows I love him! :slight_smile: I was only trying (however misguided) to be funny.

Thanks for those movie suggestions - I’ll check them out. There’s also Bad Boy Bubby…

There’s also an early Mel Gibson film called Tim.

Way back when, it seemed like every movie involving a mentally challenged person starred Robby Benson.

There was a recent indie film called Luke’s Story? I think about an autistic guy trying to get a job an a date, it was ok nothing to rave about but I liked the effort. Has Tom Green in it.

It looks like it’s called “The Story of Luke”

The Story of Luke was entertaining. And it had Seth Green who played a guy who also has social skill problems.

For anyone who’s seen it, is this the one where he keeps saying “I’m not retarded. A little slow; few problems; no big deal” in, of course, a very overdone “retarded” voice?
Man, my brother and I still make fun of that one.

I ordered the DVD
The screen captures look a bit better than the version on Youtube.