I have a project due for my project. I have chosen to do one on movies(motivated by a recent post). I ask 3 questions. Which genre is your favorite, what is your gender. (You don’t have to answer this one), and how many movies have you watched, roughly. Thank you for your participation.
Sort of a fractal, huh?
Reported for forum change.
What sort of conclusions do you think you will get based upon the gender identification?
Okay, I’ll play.
Probably should have asked for age as well. Otherwise the # won’t have any relative meaning.
Based on the subject, this thread is probably best suited to Cafe Society. I’ve relocated it there.
- speculative fiction (includes science fiction, fantasy, and superheroes)
- male
- Lost count decades ago. Multiple hundreds, at least.
Didn’t put a favorite genre because I like many things across the board. Male, 1500+.
Aren’t most movies “fiction?” Anyway, I like most except horror. I watch 4 or 5 movies a year, so 100 to 200 over my lifetime I guess.
I guess, but in my mind, I was thinking like, vs historical. My mistake. :smack: Also, I would like to add a “More than 1500”. Thanks guys.
People keep track of how many movies they’ve seen?
I went with Horror, but could have gone with Action.
I have no idea how many movies I’ve seen but I picked 1,000.
Science fiction. Male. 1,500 is the highest option you offer? I probably watch 5 movies a week and have been doing so for at least 20 years… so 5,000? That doesn’t count shows/serials, obviously.
(As another measure: My NetFlix account has 4700 ratings. That does include TV, but it also excludes movies NetFlix never gets or that I saw a long time ago.)
I am sorry for my lack of options, Dracoi. I Thought that it would have been sufficient. I was wrong. Thanks for your input.
Oh, no apologies necessary. Just pointing out that some of us watch a whole lot of movies. Also, some of us have a whole lot of years of doing it.
Hey Guys, I Have redone this poll, So please go and see it, I have believed to have fixed it.
It used to be really easy to see how many ratings you have on Netflix (of course, as mentioned, that can include TV shows and stuff like comedy specials, etc.) But actually I can’t even find my number anymore, which kind of pisses me off. If I go under the “My Account” section and go to my ratings, it just shows a long, long list of individual ratings but doesn’t show the total number. I know it’s at least ~1200 or so.
Anyone know how to get to it now?
Zeldar does it for us.
Male, favorite genre is the ones that don’t fit into a single genre (they tend to be less formulaic) but I’ll say “drama”… hmm you don’t have that one… OK, fine, “romance”…
Less than 750.
Why in the world don’t you have ‘Drama’???
And 1500 is the highest amount? I see 50-60 new films in the theater, each year. Not counting the movies I see for the first time on TV and I’m over 50. So yeah, 1500 isn’t enough.
1250 is the all-time best film genre.
And Sterling Holloway was its greatest actor.
I’ve watched way more than 1500 movies in my life if you count ones I’ve seen on TV or via VCR or DVD.