MPS contest

Last night I looked at magazines full of hairstyles. I didn’t buy any magazines, though. Just looked.

I like cheese

This is my 101st post. The next one will be 102 and the one after that will be 103. When I do the one after that it will be 104, followed by 105 and then 106. If I keep going, it will go to 107. When I post number 108, it will be followed by 109. The one after 109 will be 110…

clap clap clappety clap clap clap applause for what is probably the most pointless post (and maaaaaaaaybe most mundane) i’ve read so far. all y’all are welcome to try and overturn her claim to the title, though…

Thanks! (I think!)

Allow me to share the mundania of my world:
Let me tell you about my children…

My husband is such a…

The house is a disaster, I never have any time to clean…

The bills keep coming in…

I’m sooooooo fatttttttttt

(This is just a sampling of the top five things stay at home moms - not me - can talk about. It is the only freakin’ thing. Really. I could wear a camera and make a documentary out of it. It would cure your insomnia guaranteed.)




Oh fine! Boo me! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry bout that last one, I’m schizophrenic.
And so am I.


Aims and squirts…Oh sorry Rysdad did that get you in the eye?
:::Innocent smile:::

snrk snrk snrk
come on, everyone, keep going!

for my mps:


(Doris is my kid sister. highly annoying kid sister. :rolleyes:)


so, any more MPS?

closes eyes, chants mantra
preview, preview, preview, preview, preeeeeeevieeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww…
i meant :rolleyes:

slinks to a corner feeling like a dorky newbie again (no offense to newbies)

ZZZZZZZZ num num num snort ::::jerks awake:::: Shit, sorry what were you saying Zoogirl?
Oh and my dog’s basket smells like dog.

i stepped in dog poop on my way to work this morning.

i scrubbed my shoe three times.

i still smell dog poop.

[encouragement mode]
keep scrubbing… keep scrubbing… keep scrubbing…

[still in encouragement mode]
keep them coming… keep them coming… keep them coming…

[/encouragement mode (finally)]

today, i did not step in dog poop. small victory.

Today I took the boss’s dog out. He didn’t poop. Just peed. A lot.

i am packing my house in preparation to move. last night, i ran out of bubble wrap. today i must buy more.