Mr & Mrs. Smith

just saw the movie trailer and could be a funny flick to watch. But is anyone else wondering if all the hype about B & A’s so-called romance is just another publicity ploy? If it’s “real” do you think they make a suitable couple? If so, why, if not, why not?

Real or no, their babies would be beautiful…there’s no doubt about that. I’ve never been one to fixate on celeb relationships so as far as whether they’re suitable? Doesn’t matter.

As for the movie, It was written by Simon Kinberg, who has very few credits but the ones he does have include being a script doctor on both Elektra and Charlies Angels Full Throttle (he also wrote XXX state of the union but I haven’t seen it). If the script wasn’t terrible, I’d be very surprised. You can be sure that there won’t be too much depth and that it will be really explosion-y. We may also be forced to take some major leaps of faith. It doesn’t mean it won’t be entertaining though, don’t get me wrong.

The director, Doug Liman, has directed some decent stuff (The Bourne Identity, Go, Swingers) though so who knows who will win. The action will be solid that’s about the only real guarantee…

I’ll probably see it.

Sort-of spoiler…

It looks to me like they do eventually fall back in love and team up to kill the (sort-of) bad guys. Some of the scenes in the trailers clearly show them holding guns back to back and menacing goons or whatnot. I admit, it did look interesting, and the tango-thing taken from True Lies was a great touch.

Note that the new film’s title is “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”.

“Mr. & Mrs. Smith” is the title of a Scott Bakula TV series as well as a film from the 1940s.

There have been about a million articles about how the execs at the studio are near-hysterical with fear that the publicity will turn this movie into another loser like Gigli, so I don’t think this is just a publicity ploy. If it started out as one, it sure backfired.

Do I think they make a suitable couple? How the hell should I know? I don’t know a thing about them as people. Neither does anybody else on this Board, I’ll bet.

But the trailer was fun, and unlike 99% of all the other trailers I’ve seen this year actually made me want to see the movie. I may even go unless it gets terrible reviews.

Potentially fun concept, likely ruined by too many explosions, if the trailer is any indication.

I should’ve known you weren’t talking about the 1941 Carole Lombard/Robert Montgomery movie of the same name.

I was kind of excited about this flick until I saw the trailer. I thought it was more drama than action/comedy.

But it looks like the bastard child of Ecks vs. Sever* and Stallone’s Assassins.

But they are truly two of the most beautiful people alive.

They WOULD make pretty (but weird) babies.

It’ll be a great popcorn flick. Really pretty people, really big guns, things blowing up a lot, hopefully cars going really fast…plus Vince Vaughn.

Am I the only one who accidentally read the thread title as Mr & Mrs. Sith? 'Cuz I think that’d be a cool film.

Too many explosions? More than likely ruined by the casting. Brad Pitt has done TWO good acting jobs (IMO). Seven and Twelve Monkeys.

Angelina Jokie (and yes, that was on purpose) can NOT act. She’s not even all THAT hot. The Motion Picture Academy should repo her Oscar. Frickin’ coattail rider (“Put me in a movie…my daddy’s Jon Voight”).
