I heard that David Duchovny will only be appearing in about a quarter of the episodes this season. Last night I watched as the actor who played the Terminator Mark II attampted to fill Mulder’s shoes.
It did not sit well with me. If that guy is going to be the permenant replacement for Duchovny, I doubt I’ll be tuning in much from now on.
Anybody see this schmoe bumbling around in last night’s episode? Oh, the humanity.
We liked it. We used to watch X Files all the time. Last season, though, seemed to consist mostly of shows that led up to Mulder disappearing. Maybe it was bad timing, but it seemed like every time we sat down to watch, part II of a show we missed the first part was on, or the show consisted of some plot device that hinged on us remembering the third show of the seventh season, and made no sense if you hadn’t seen that one. We pretty much stopped watching it.
We were very pleasantly surprised to watch last night, and see what we considered a “classic” X files type of show. I like the Terminator guy - he adds a little twist to the show that makes it interesting. It’s also nice to see Scully in the position of being the beliver rather than the skeptic.
I wasn’t overly impressed, but I wasn’t truly disappointed, either. I’ll have to give the new pairing a few episodes before I can tell what I really think.
I think the T1000 (I forget his name on the show) hit the nail on the head when he said that Scully was having trouble replacing/becoming Mulder. She had to be the one proposing the “off the wall” theory, yet hold on to some of her scientific objectivity that would presumably go against her “Mulderesque” hypotheses and, as a result, came off as weak and indecisive (the scene in the car) and self-doubting. I don’t know about anyone else, but this doesn’t sit well with me.
“Mulder refers to it as Occam’s principle of limited imagination.”
KKBattousai, good point about her coming off as a bit indecisive. Though I like the new guy, what I really, really didn’t like was last night’s implication that he’s taken more seriously than Scully, presumably because she’s female. I could be reading too much into her scenes with the local law dude, and even if I’m right it might not be something that’ll be carried throughout the season, but it irked me.
Either way, I enjoyed seeing Local Law Dude become lunch for Bat Boy
I’m liking it so far. The past 2 seasons or so have gotten kinda scattered and hard to follow. The conspiracy episodes were spread so far apart by so many of the monster of the week episodes that I lost track of the plot and characters. Always forgetting if one character was an ally or enemy this given week. Not to mention that there were just too many characters in the first place.
If the first 2 episodes this season are any indication they are taking a more minimalist approach. A good thing. Robert Patrick seems to be a good addition. I disagree with the classification of him being Scully’s new partner, or Mulders replacement. He is neither, he’s an entirely new character that is not clearly an ally or an enemy yet. Also, it seems that Mulder is going to be prominent in the new season without even “being there” as an actor. I think that in the MotW episodes that it will seem to be slightly closer to a partnership with Scully playing the believer, but I hope they let the conspiracy and mistrust linger in those character developments. In the recent past one of the weaknesses of the show seemed to be that they nearly dismissed the entire conspiracy and all the trials Mulder, Scully and the X-Files went through during the MotW episodes. Lets hope that changes. In short Robert Patrick plays a good secretive enigma of a character, he’s no Mulder, but he isn’t supposed to be. I think I’m going to like the new season and have a refurbished enthusiasm.
An aside, I think I’d consider Skinner to be a more likely Mulder replacement than the new guy (damn I wish I could think of the characters name right now). He seems to be taking on the role of the passionate renegade agent, with a singular goal of finding Mulder. I always liked Skinner and am looking forward to seeing his role grow.
Ive seen all the new episodes and here’s tghe scoop!
Agent John Dogget (the newbie) was brought in obstensibly to find out what happened to Mulder. However that was an attempt by his boss to descredit him. He was getting known as a shoo in for an AD job, and his boss chose him for the case knowing he’d fail. As a consequence for his failing he was assigned to the X Files.
Scully as the senior member is now in charge. Dogget doesn’t believe in the X files and so defers to Scully’s judgement.
Scully being forced into Mulders role as believer and her reluctance to do so to me is consistant with her character.
I’m with stuffinb, I liked Scully’s indecision last night. I think it’s good that she’s having trouble shifting gears, after all they can’t both be skeptics, she’s now got a multitude of reasons not to be, and she should be uncomfortable with that.
I also liked the local cop listening to Doggett over her. I too hope it doesn’t become a weekly thing, but it is unfortunately quite true to life. In just about any occupation that is still male dominated there are plenty of morons who don’t take women seriously if there’s a male opinion to be had.
I have to agree with this - I see it fairly often.
Back to the OP, I think the new guy is ok. Not great, ok. We’ll see what the writers give him to do. I am a firm believer that if the writing continues to be good, major cast changes don’t have to ruin the show. Hell, look at Law & Order.
With David Duchovny’s “antics” with not wanting to be in the X-Files the last season, the show has lost whatever creative credibility it once had for me. The theme of the show now is driven by the actors, not the actors driven by the theme. This whole last season will deviate from whatever plan Chris Carter had originally, just to satisfy Duchovny’s urge to expand his “career”. Well, you can’t blame David, and you can’t really blame Chris for trying, but it just doesn’t sit right with me.
And FTR - I think the new guy is OK. But I just can’t watch the show anymore.
Was anyone else really sad to hear they cancelled the plans for the spinoff starring the Lone Gunmen? That could have had possibilities…
The lack of Mulder and the introduction of Doggett have made Scully pause, reflect, and adjust; that, I like very much. (Doggett would be a pretty pointless character if he didn’t do that, really.) I’m not used to him yet, though. I suppose it’ll take a few episodes more.
One reason I’m not too impressed with the new season so far is because I’ve never cared for the ‘part-human monsters’ shows. They’ve always come off as totally lame. Considering that this past episode came immediately after the “where’s Mulder?” storyliners, it felt even more lame than usual. Dunno… maybe it’s just me.
I all but quit watching the show the last couple of seasons. It was getting, quite frankly, boring. Also, it seemed like every other episode has been a rerun the past two or three seasons. Come on, guys, can you write a few new episodes?
I’ve been enjoying watching Dogget working to gain Scully’s trust when she sees him as a possible spy for the Conspiracy. I also enjoy his open-minded skepticism. It’s a good counterpoint to Scully’s beliver trying to maintain scientific objectivity.
Also, I want to see Dogget’s reaction when he finds out about Scully’s pregnancy (not mentioned in last night’s episode). I think so far Skinner is the only one who knows. I also want to know who the father is…
Frankly, Mulder was starting to annoy me. Duchovny played his role like he hated being there and it showed.
Also, the episodes I loathe involve the whole alien thing. I prefer the monster episodes and was glad when that sister of his was finally “found.” But no, more alien crap. I know that it is the driving force behind the show, but it got tired very early on for me.
But then, last night’s episode still reeked. So I’m thinking of finally calling it quits.
I can just picture him taking time off interrogating a witness to whip out a picture of a young boy and asking where he is… and then leaping onto the back of a suspect’s car as he tries to drive away. And having a resistance to bullets. And having things coming out of his hands.
I feel I’m going to be disappointed when it gets to Oz…
I think Dogget it a breath of fresh air. I am sorry but Mulder was great…and I stress was. Now that Duchovney thinks of himself as a…ha ha…actor, he is cutting ol purse strings and crapping on a part made for him (he is extremely wooden…watch Playing God. Its Mulder posing as a doctor)
I got one name for you Duchvoney…David Caruso. You burn your bridge and there is no going back.
Yea yea…I know he said he wanted to spend time with his family. But he has made his opinions known about playing Mulder.
Robert Patrick on the other hand, is working well. He is coming in as a sceptic and is essentially Sculley in the first season. He is a good actor and I think adores getting the chance to do this role. He is not overtly hammy and believable as a FBI agent. Anyone else really not liking the new FBI director? He just exudes “I am secretly in the pocket of all your enemies” to Scully and Dogget.
Oh and to all you fans, you better watch the LONE GUNMAN pilot when it comes out. Saw the trailer for it and am in love. Gonna be a sure fire winner.