Well she’s here. After what is (apparently) the longest flight in history* Nymysys is in the land down under.
I’ll let her tell the story of the airport greeting. Sufice to say my heart melted when I saw her and I simultaneously felt like I hadn’t seen her in years and that she’d never been away from me.
This is just a quick thread to let the many NymFans know that hse made it safely. She IS alive. She IS being pampered. She IS struggling with the accents.
She may use this thread to offer US observations about Oz.
Then again she may not…
Anyway I’m off for smooches and alcohol in this dreadful winter weather.
*if she’s to be believed they went so fast they travelled back intime or to an alterbative dimension because the flight lasted 16 days or so
Glad you made it safe and sound! I sat on a flight from Malawi to Amsterdam that lasted for 25 hours with my only respite being strip searched when I tried to reboard in Cairo (we were allowed to get off for an hour to stretch our legs)…I feel your pain of long flights. It’s worth it though to be there!
I’m very glad to hear that she made it with minimal discomfort, dpr. I’m sure you’ll both be very happy now that you’re together again. I also hope it doesn’t take Nym too long to adjust to the time change.
Go lightly on the alcohol, and heavy on the smooches, dear. I’m glad you’re both happy and together.
Drop us a line now and then, whenever you can tear yourself away to come up for air, ok?
Now do you reckon we might have a FREAKING dopefest? Or shall I just post a thread in MPSIMS to be ignored? AGAIN? Are you guys going to the Ideas thingy at the Powerhouse at all? It’s a couple of weeks away so you should be ready to get out of bed then.
Welcome Nym. This really is Brisbane’s best effort at a winter I’ve seen so far.
Considering I’m missing the ChiDope, I’m all about having one here, Prima.
And by the way, anyone who can say the words, “It’s winter here” and “Pack your bikini” all in one sentence should be taken out and shot.
Gods, but it’s beautiful here.