Musical Dopers- I dare you to identify this instrument!

So you think you’ve got a good ear? We’ll see. I dare you to identify this main instrument in this track! Sure you could cheat and explore the link, but that would be weak and dishonorable and against the high standards of Cafe Society dopers.

Listen here

Sounds to me like one of those nose harp thingies. Don’t know what they are called but I had one as a kid. Either that or it kinda sounds like someone got the pliers out.

It’s called a Jew’s harp, and no that’s not it.

Is it a theremin?


My guess it’s that it’s nothing more than a simple human nose. I’m going to search the link after I submit, and if I am right, I’ll be as shocked as anyone! :smiley:

Sounds like a glass harmonica. That’s a series of glass disks (imagine a stack of dishes turned sideways) mounted on a rotating shaft. It’s played by holding your fingers against the edges of the disks, just like running your finger around the rim of a wine glass.

You mean the violin-like track?

It’s straight synthesizer. It’s either a lame one, or it’s being used poorly. I can easily envisualize someone’s hands rocking back and forth between the plastic keys. Notice how the notes seem to jump very predictably.

There may be other ways to produce this sound, but a $99 Casio is definitely one of them.



and no

Sounds a little like a one string fiddle, without the depth of tone associated with an acoustic body.

I seem to recall learning of a Moroccan, or maybe Lebanese, bowed one string instrument, called a rabbala, or rabeba, or something like that.

But then WTF do I know. . .

no - If there’s no correct answer posted by the time I get back later tonight I’ll post the correct answer.

The synthesizer answer was interesting because that’s what the reviewer felt it resembled as well. If the golden ears among you (I’m not one) will just listen carefully to the tonality you will realize you’ve probably heard this instrument before and may have even played it.

Is it a Kazoo?

Or someone doing that thing where you blow across a leaf like a reed?

Or a saw?

You have a good ear. Close enough.
Salon - Kronos Crashes

Hee, hee, hee.

Yes, yes, and yes. Sorry camper. If I had my Kurzweil handy I could whip you up a demo in about 14 minutes.

I would like to say that I am a freaking genius, but that would be inappropriate.

Damn! I was going to say a leaf or a piece of paper, but I see that Fretburner beat me to it.

Actually I know what a jew’s harp is and that’s not what I was thinking. I was thinking of is an instrument that fits over the nose and is played by blowing through the nose. The air is then forced down into the mouth and the mouth is opened and closed to ge your tone. I don’t think I’ve seen one in 15 years or so. As a matter of fact I don’t think I’ve ever seen one besides the one I had. But it does sound pretty much the same.

Edward The Head, you’re thinking of a Humanatone.

Have you had your hearing checked lately? :smiley: