Musicians/techies, Finale question

Hey everyone.

I have an old version of Finale that was passed on to me by an old music professor. I have used it in the past and not had a problem with it. Anyway, I have just recently reinstalled it on my current PC and it worked fine initially. Well, today I boot it up and all the fonts are screwy. For example, instead of a treble clef I see an ampersand and all the quarter notes are googy looking capital I’s. I have gone through the “Special” menu and tried to reset the fonts; however, the quarter note fonts are completely gone. Any ideas on how to fix this?


Re-boot your computer, if that doesn’t work then re-install.

Hey, that’s what I see whenever I look at actual sheet music. I shoulda learned to sight read. :smiley:

I should have clarified. I have rebooted my computer several times, reinstalled it twice, and even ran scan disk three times both while windows was running and when I did a hard boot. After each reinstallation I was thinking maybe this time… but I still get the goofy looking I’s and all the other notation looking wrong. The only thing that is still correct is the staff having 5 lines.
