My Apology Thread

Apparently, as my email would suggest, some people don’t appreciate the Check-in for Female Newbies thread. So here’s my response:

I was not out to offend anyone.
I didn’t mean disrespect to women, it was just in fun.
I do have a girlfriend, thank you very much, you can see her pic at my homepage, which is accessible through the link at the bottom of this post.
Yes, I posted there a lot, maybe more than anyone else, but as explained in the thread itself, I am suffering from lack of sleep and just trying to keep myself awake.
I sincerely request all of you who emailed me to kindly accept these pliers and retrieve the lumber from your posterior nether-regions and take some yoga classes-- in other words, pull the stick out of your ass and loosen up.

Thank you. :wally

Cool page, man. Your girlfriend is a cutie…don’t forget to put up picture of your niece when you get one.

Thanks, I plan on giving my neice her own page, or providing a link to my brother-in-law’s home page, which will undoubtedly have pix of her.

Brat, as a female newbie, I really enjoyed the post! Anyone that was offended by it shouldn’t take things so seriously.
By the way, I never got my newbie exam. :wink:

Um…bratman…I hope you aren’t talking about me. (I don’t think so, because I didn’t send you any e-mail)

The post I made to your thread was meant jokingly. (There was no serious slam on my end meant by asking how many times you posted to your own thread)

And there were enough females that did post to there, so I don’t think it was obviously offensive or sexist. At least…I didn’t think so.

I guess this means that I’ll be getting sexist pig e-mails in the morning. But hey, we guys gotta stick together or the women will take over.

I wouldn’t have minded people emailing me about being offended, if they had just been civil about it. I then would have posted a sincere apology. But checking my email at 4:30am and seeing venom being spit at me kinda ruins my day. I just can’t see how that post hurt anyone. It’s not like I act that way IRL.

No DRY, this is not towards you. I didn’t recognize any of the names of the people that emailed me, maybe cuz email addreses are sometimes different than your names here. But I saw your thread and didn’t take it as an insult.

Bratman, you are a shameless board whore.


Anything that will get me virtually laid.

Oh, I’m sorry, has that offended anyone? I’m still trying to adjust to this PC thing.

I also apologize to anyone who was offended by anything in any other post I ever made, and to anyone who may be offended by this apology.

I also apologize for my sig line, if that happens to offend anyone.

I can’t believe someone would have thought that this thread was actually sexist and offensive. (I mean…there’s a male version of this thread…I wonder if Vestal Blue is getting these same e-mails)

I suspect it’s probably a troll who’s hiding behind false “righteous indignation”. I hope so, as the thread seemed pretty harmless to me.

You know, at 4:30 in the morning, that never occurred to me. I’ve had problems with trolls and email before, maybe that’s all it is. I hope so, cuz I really like the people on this board, and I honestly wouldn’t want to offend or alienate anyone here. But emailing me seemed like a cowardly way to protest to something on the board instead of posting something for everyone to see.

You know, I’m starting to think this thread wasn’t such a good idea. I opened it as a knee-jerk reaction to the emails I had gotten while still grumpy from waking up so early. I trust you people would have let me know long before that thread reached 100 replies if it was offending anyone out there. After my cup of coffee and in light of what DRY had to say, I’m just going to let it go and blow over. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time.

I’m going to request UncleBeer to lock this thread.

What a little pansy. You get a few emails from sticks in the mud and promptly start apologizing. That’s it, you are out of the Female Newbie check in. Hand over the rubber gloves and probing devices. We need to find a new sheriff for the posse.

You consider this a sincere apology?
“I sincerely request all of you who emailed me to kindly accept these pliers and retrieve the lumber from your posterior nether-regions and take some yoga classes-- in other words, pull the stick out of your ass and loosen up.”

I saw nothing about replacing said stick in said ass with a flaming hot poker of death. Until that happens, I consider that apology one step shy of a back rub and cookies.

This thread is locked at the request of the OP.

So I guess you can consider the apology and the insult retracted. Whatever.