my camera makes .MOV video files, how can I watch it on Windows XP?

my digital camera records video as .MOV files.
My computer is a standard PC with Windows XP.

What program do I need to download so I can watch the .MOV video file?
My Google-fu results all tell me I need APPLE’s Quicktime Viewer. But it looks like Quicktime only works on Macs, not on windows XP.

Am I stoopid?
I assume there’s an embarrassingly simple answer to this. …But right now, I could sure use a little help fighting ignorance.

Quicktime works fine in Windows.

Quicktime is available for Windows. Not sure where you got the idea it doesn’t from! And if you don’t like the player itself (like me), then Media Player Classic is an alternative interface, although I think you need to have Quicktime installed for it to work with .mov files.

If you don’t want to install the abomination that is Quicktime-for-Windows, you can watch mov files on Media Player Classic using Quicktime Alternative.

I have also had good results with VLC media player, and continue to use it even though I switched to Mac.

It seems to play most files and is recommended for all that odd stuff that Media Player doesn’t like.

I’ve found it plays the 3gp files that my new phone takes, but without sound, its about the only time I’ve had to resort to Realplayer for files.