My cat is so weird that...

Loki is our (not so little now) maneki neko. We’ve taught him to wave, just like a lucky cat should. He also loves to shower with me, appears to be vegetarian and runs to inspect my bike each evening when I come home from work. Plus he goes mental when we use the laser pointer - and will search for it for hours when we stop.

He’s only one of 4 weird cats in the house, makes life interesting!

I used to have a cat named Jansen who loved beer. If you had beer in a glass, he’d stick his paw in and lick it off his paw. If you had beer in a bottle or can, he’d try to knock it over so he could lap it up off of the floor/table/whatever. I never deliberately fed him beer, and as far as I know no one else ever did either (I’d had him since he was a little bitty kitten), so I don’t know where he picked up this obsession. He had no interest in wine, liquor, or cocktails. Just beer.

My Mollylikes yogurt. But only if she can lick it off my spoon. If I put some in a dish for her, she’ll ignore it.

I had a cat once that loved the smell of my wintermint anti plaque mouthwash, and would smell my mouth whenever I used it, so eventually I poured out a very little in a bowl for her and she sniffed it for the rest of the night, then cautiously licked some of it (I made sure it was little enough that it wouldn’t give her fluorine poisoning). After that she was suddenly uncurious of that smell anymore :slight_smile:

Our indoor kitty, Cleo, likes to hop in the bathtub when it’s drained but still damp. She chases her tail for a minute or so, then flings herself out and goes running through the house, wet paws slipping and sliding all over creation. It’s funny as anything esp in the morning when you’re not quite awake.

Cuervo has a girlfriend. That’s an old Beanie Baby he found one day as a kitten. 3-4 times a day, he grabs her by the scruff of the neck, drops her, mounts her, then abandons her on the spot. We’ve awoken to find her at our feet on the bed, on the stairs, just anywhere. When it’s summer and the front door is open, he often takes her to the screen door, and has window sex with her. We never touch her.

Same cat. Wakes me up in the morning by licking my head. If I haven’t shaved in a day or so, my whole face is lickable.

What happened to the kitty with the shaved butt/short tail? Did it have to be amputated?

Your kitty Loki looks like my Manny!

Our cat is so weird that she’s afraid of the hamster. We let him run around outside his cage once in a while, and Lily (the cat) likes to watch him, but when he runs into her (He doesn’t know enough to be afraid of her.), she gets spooked and runs away. From the tiny little hamster.

Jim’s cat likes to play volleyball, too - if she’s in the right mood, if you throw a little ball at her at the right height, she’ll spike it back at you. She also likes the ball thrown at the stairs game, except she waits for it to come back down the stairs.

Remember the scene in Crocodile Dundee when Hogan points his fingers at the bull in the road and makes it lie down and roll over? I can do that with our cat. She hates being pointed at and will attack your fingers at close range. But when it’s done across the room she flops on her side and rolls onto her back while making that “eh-eh-eh-eh” noise that cats do when they see birds.

My big fat fluffy cat, Mimi, thinks that anytime I am talking on the phone I am calling her over to pet her so she has to jump into my lap and walk all over me to get comfortable and knead on me and then she licks my shirt, she’s not actually trying to nurse - she’s licking my shirt. I try to shoo her away which usually means she shifts her huge frame around some more and covers me with more hair. She has no idea how humongous and hairy she is.

My cat Fonzie, who know resides with my mother, loves to spin in those roll around desk chairs. He’ll spin as long as you will push him. As far as I can tell he never gets dizzy, Mom says they finally had to buy him a new chair, the old one was just worn out.

His sister Tori liked to ride on my shoulders like a scarf. she would climb up my leg and chest, then wrap herself around my neck and snooze no matter if I was walking or sitting. I still hate the neighbor that poisoned her, she never did anything to him he just hated animals.

Wimpy president, sure, but he’s done a lot of good since then!

That is a very original name for a cat.

Oh - forgot Scarlett. When she comes to sit by us on the couch, she has to find something to sit on that we’ll need: a cell phone, the remote control, something you might be reading…

She plops her fatness down, rolls to her side and looks at you like as if to say “Yes, to get your precious you must come through me, preferably petting”

You might look at one of these drinking bowls. A little pricey, but the cats always have fresh water. One drinks from the bowl and the other from the fountain.

re: the OP. My strange cat. Last week I happened to observe him in the litter box doing his business. He was standing straight upright on his hind legs.

I have a similar fountain for the cat suite - mine prefer moving water anyway, and with 8 cats I’d spend all day filling water bowls!

Magic, the strange looking cat from the OP, has a new trick. He removes the straw from my cup if I don’t keep an eye on him. Little freak.

And I must tell you about Boo. I bottle raised her and gave her to a friend of mine. That cat hates to be laughed at - if you point at her and laugh, she will run over and bite you.

That’s just something we do when we get bored…
No, unfortunately when Milo was 10 months old, he managed to get his tail run over (it was a warm summer night, and we think he might have been under a car). Totally degloved it, and we had to remove almost all of it. He now has a cute punky little bunny tail, with seemingly no other impact (other than a Mummy who still mourns how beautiful his big fluffy tail was). I think he’s glad it’s gone, as there is less to get in the way when he’s doing evil (you know, stealing socks, terrorising the neighbours’ dogs, planning world domination).

I have a great admiration for President Jimmy Carter, and believe he was far too good of a man to be an effective president.

When I adopted my cat from the shelter, he was almost a year old, and had been a stray. The shelter had named him Carter, which I amended to President Carter, out of respect for the man.

Then I discovered that he was a quivering ball of neuroses. He does love me completely and without question and is a snuggle puss who will crawl under the blanket, or even under my sweater to be closer. Kitty love!

Hereis another picture of my two boys, just because. This is some photoshopping I did for my students.

Holy cats! :smiley:

My cat Tigger is a one-woman cat. She is all lovey and cuddly with me, but if ANYONE else comes anywhere near her she turns into the spawn of Satan. Hence the name Evlkitty.
But tonight I was sitting at the table studying and I had a full glass of ice water in front of me. She hopped onto the table and began sampling my water. She was quite amused with the ice cubes, so I got up and got her her very own glass of ice water, exactly the same as mine. And she wouldn’t touch it. So I traded waters with her, and now she wants the new one. Cats… :dubious: