My cat is so weird that...

My cat’s preferred method of drinking is to stick the top of his head under a running faucet and lap at the water that dribbles down his chin.

He loves green leafy vegetables. I have to closely guard the cutting board in case he decides to make off with some delectable bok choy or romaine lettuce. He even has a special meow reserved exclusively for vegetable begging. Strangely, it sounds like “mama!”

He is possibly the worst hunter of all time. He will cry mournfully at the bug/moth/whatever as if to say, “Get it, mommy, get it!” but he never attempts to attack it himself. If he loses track of the bug he will return to the spot he first saw it, and stare intently at that exact spot, meowing.

I paid that pricey cost to get one of these, and redid some wiring to have an outlet to plug it in, only to find my cats still prefer to jump up on the kitchen sink and cry for me to turn on the faucet. Or just plain drink from the toilet. They only use it when they are forced to, at times when I’m gone for a few days.

Yes, we are well-trained, aren’t we? :slight_smile:

My cat has to see what’s inside the coffee table every day; she comes up and puts a paw in the general direction of the doors, and we open it for her. Good humans!

Last night the fluffy one, who normally lives under the iron paw of the smooth one, was challenging for dominance. Apparently the fluffy one won, because as they were sleeping a fluffy paw was on a smooth back.
I tried to get a picture, but they woke up before I could find the camera.

My Lunabrat, besides all the drooling she does whenever I’m holding her, chatters in her sleep. But she only does it when she’s about 3/4s asleep, and only if she hears a high pitched noise. So she’ll be lying on my chest, and I’ll sneeze, and she’ll twitch the tip of her tail and go “eck eck eck” or however you spell that funky chattering noise cats do when they see birds out the window. Fake sneeze, and she’ll do it again. We’ll keep going until she eventually wakes up enough to glare at me, or my husband tells me to stop being weird, whichever comes first.

Oreobrat will lie on her back on the floor at one end of the old cruddy couch with ill-fitting cushions in the living room, reach up with her claws, and propel herself upside down to the other end of the couch. Then she flips around and does it again. I’ve often wished I could be that easily amused.

And so the dog-lovers don’t feel left out, Snickerpops likes to feel pretty in pink. Okay, that’s my weirdness, but it was on sale!

Max thinks I cannot be trusted to go into the bathroom alone. If I somehow get in there without him he scratches on the door and cries piteously and sticks his paws under the door and moans.

Rocky eats whipped cream off my finger every night. If I forget and get up to go to bed without giving it to him, he bites my ankle.

(sorry, no pictures)

Ollie eats souls. First he tastes them, to make sure they are innocent enough to be delectable. Then he advances and rends them from your body in the most painful way imaginable.

Thankfully Rupert’s main oddity is fairly harmless in comparison. He’s into ballet.


There is no limit to Ash’s goofyness. From eating lollipops to fetching to insane headbutting to playing with absolutely anything to insisting on being under the covers (but with his head out, on a pillow) to being simultaneously incredibly agile and astoundingly clumsy — I’ve never met a more affectionate or playful animal.

SKL, did you get Magic young? That is, before the curls came in? You can add about fifteen or so more “looks like” adjectives.
(Oh, and domestic mutts‘n mongrelsain’t so bad either)

That is a BEAUTIFUL Rex!

I got Magic when he was about 10 months old; the breeder was considering keeping him for show. Then he was “thrown out” at his first owners house, the other Rexes at the second owner’s house kept beating him up, and he came to me.

I guess the little freak had a tough first year, but he seems to be happy now. As much as I complain about him and call him names I wouldn’t let him go for anything.

You mentioned that Rexes don’t have an undercoat - do they shed less than regular cats? My husband is allergic to cats (hence the joke that we only have two! :smiley: ), but reducing the allergens in the house with our next cat would be super.

Thanks! While I do think he is extremely statuesque and extraordinarily symetrical for a sealpoint, he has a hard time going more than two minutes without doing something as equally undignified or goofy.

I’d show Mrs. Dvl Magic, but that would just dramatically accelerate the time 'till we got a black Rex in the house :slight_smile: (She might even plot a catnapping!)

They still shed, but not nearly as much as other cats. They are not hypoallergenic, but they are considered by some to be low-allergenic. It’s also a question of what your husband is allergic to – fur or dander?

We just got our three year old cat at the humane society last year. Out of the five humans living there, he’s picked me as his favorite and tends to follow me to whatever part of the house I travel to. He won’t necessarily be on top of me to be petted, but will sleep on the window sill next to my head when I’m sleeping and then follow me downstairs and play near the sofa or “just happen” to be going to the bathroom when I am too.

He loves loves loves to play fetch for about 20 minutes before getting sick of it which is about 18 minutes past when I have.

He also is the first cat I’ve seen to be extremely comfortable laying on his back with all of his arms and legs spread like Al Bundy all the time.
Unfortunately, we’re going through a bit of a hard time right now. We’re finishing the basement which is where he would normally hang out when we’re not home and is where his litter box is as well. We got a second litter box upstairs which he’s taken to, but has grown increasingly upset that he can’t go to the basement and has started peeing in the living room and has meowed a couple times too (he’s normally not vocal at all). We’re gonna pick up some Feliway at the store tonight and hopefully that will help.

My cat is so weird that she hordes plastic grocery bags beneath my bed. I wasn’t even aware of this until the day that I finally decided to vacumn underneath the bed and found the bags. She is also weird, in that evidently, she thinks she is a dog. I play fetch with her using the cut off end of a guitar string.

I don’t actually know; are some people allergic to one or the other?

From what I understand, cat-allergic people are allergic to the dander, not the hair itself, or to a protein in the cat’s saliva. I don’t notice that Magic sheds; I have never found any of his hair on anything. But with all of the other cat hair I would be extremely likely to miss it.

A few weeks ago I washed all of the furniture covers in the cat suite. All the fur I pulled out of the washer and dryer was grey. I don’t have a grey cat.

At least I don’t have a grey cat I know about. One could be hiding under the couch.

You might want to have the vet check him out. Stress can often set off a urinary tract infection which could be the reason he’s peeing everywhere and meowing. With males it could be more serious if he obstructs and is unable to urinate at all.

Thrakazog likes spicy Buffalo wings. If he’s on the fridge and I walk by, he hurls himself onto my back and pretends to be a parrot. He was also raised by wolves. :smiley:

Thrak likes to drink from the fuacet, so he might enjoy that.

My Siamese cat is so weird that he prefers to fall asleep with a human hand clamped to his head in the “Alien face-hugger” position.

The roommate is always the last to know. The last one I had, had a jet black beard and/or mustache for as long as I knew him ( several years ). Until one day he came back after a month in the Mexican desert with an almost pure white beard. Which miraculously was suddenly black again the next day!

Or in other words, one of your cat is a closet dyer ;).